How to respond when somebody points out how short you are...

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How to respond when somebody points out how short you are...
post #1

How To Respond When Somebody Calls You Short | ShortGuyCentral

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Re: How to respond when somebody points out how short you are...
post #2

Pretty much the way I react every time it happens.

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Re: How to respond when somebody points out how short you are...
post #3

I have different responses for different situations.  What I center on nowadays is the speaker's lack of tact, insecurity, emotional need, etc.  My being short is an unavoidable, obvious fact.  It is simply the way God designed my genes-- there is nothing I can do about it-- it's a situation that probably no one would ever choose intentionally.  For them to bring it up at all shows their lack of tact and almost always the speaker is insecure about him/herself in some way and trying to deflect that by making a big hairy deal about one of us being short.  So, I turn the tables on them.  I can't change being short - they need to change how they interact with people.  They probably get a kick out of chiding people who are fat, too.  

Last Edited By gymshorts (2017-04-15 07:12:19)