If your girl was taller would you wear lifts?

Short Cadet
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If your girl was taller would you wear lifts?
post #1

100% Hypothetical, if you had a taller girlfriend would you wear lifts to make her more comfortable when you go out if she wore heels?

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Re: If your girl was taller would you wear lifts?
post #2

No way. How is that being proud of who you are? If you were able to date a taller woman, then it would mean she accepts you the way you are.

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Re: If your girl was taller would you wear lifts?
post #3

You are who you are. If she chose you, then she's not giving a rat's ass about your abnormalities.

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Re: If your girl was taller would you wear lifts?
post #4

I dated 3 women who were either my height or taller. All I asked of them was to not wear high heels when we go out. lol Only one had an issue with it but she was a killer to my self esteem anyways.