Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?

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Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #1

I was thinking about this, for taller women, they have less options because most men desire shorter women, shorter than 5'7. For men, most women seem to want men 5'10+ so it would seem as though short men and tall women have the hardest time when it comes to finding a mate. What do you think?

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #2

I can see that. I asked a few buddies of mine about the perfect height a woman could be and they all said 5'3 to 5'6 is the best range and these guys are 5'10+. Then I asked one of my female friends, and she hesitated. She eventually told me 6' tall. I think she didn't want to say that to me because we are close to the same height.

Dark Willow
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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #3

Yeah it is fair. I can agree with this as I see it happen all the time. I mean, taller women who are also thinner are considered models but the average man don't like that. They don't like tall thin women. Or even tall thick/fat women. I think guys like to feel they are in control and dominate in a sense which is why shorter is better.

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #4

Sounds logical. I guess tall women have it as bad as short guys when it comes to preference but some men like model bodies so tall and thin is what they love.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #5


Originally posted by Dale

I can see that. I asked a few buddies of mine about the perfect height a woman could be and they all said 5'3 to 5'6 is the best range and these guys are 5'10+. Then I asked one of my female friends, and she hesitated. She eventually told me 6' tall. I think she didn't want to say that to me because we are close to the same height.

All my male friends say about the same, some say a bit shorter but none of them say over 5'7. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #6

I still feel like short men have it harder. If you are in good shape and tall, you can be a model if you are woman. I have seen plenty of them in person and I can tell you, most are average looking at best. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #7


Originally posted by GoKnicks

Sounds logical. I guess tall women have it as bad as short guys when it comes to preference but some men like model bodies so tall and thin is what they love.

 I still think women have it easier, even taller ones. BUT that is not to say they don't have trouble with weight. A lot of dudes out there will shun a gal for being 10 pounds heavier then she was when they first started dating. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #8


Originally posted by Bonez

I still feel like short men have it harder. If you are in good shape and tall, you can be a model if you are woman. I have seen plenty of them in person and I can tell you, most are average looking at best. 

 I honestly feel like they are too "exotic" for my taste. Taller women tend to have more bold features and it isn't attractive to me. I like a doll like look, not a sculpture. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #9


Originally posted by ShortNProud


Originally posted by GoKnicks

Sounds logical. I guess tall women have it as bad as short guys when it comes to preference but some men like model bodies so tall and thin is what they love.

 I still think women have it easier, even taller ones. BUT that is not to say they don't have trouble with weight. A lot of dudes out there will shun a gal for being 10 pounds heavier then she was when they first started dating. 

That is not a huge margin though. I wouldn't care if I truly loved the woman I was with. Weight goes up and down, we all age, it is part of life. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #10

No. Tall women are not analogous to short men. Overweight women are. Think about it...the most common physical attribute that most men find undesirable in women, is being fat. The most common physical attribute that most women find undesirable in men, is being short.

Yes, I know one of those conditions can be remedied, at least somewhat, through diet and exercise. But,'s not that simple for most overweight women, and often times it has more to do with their body shape and genetics than just poor eating habits. 

TL;DR - Short Men = Overweight Women