Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #11


Originally posted by sean1620

No. Tall women are not analogous to short men. Overweight women are. Think about it...the most common physical attribute that most men find undesirable in women, is being fat. The most common physical attribute that most women find undesirable in men, is being short.

Yes, I know one of those conditions can be remedied, at least somewhat, through diet and exercise. But,'s not that simple for most overweight women, and often times it has more to do with their body shape and genetics than just poor eating habits. 

TL;DR - Short Men = Overweight Women

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #12

Thanks Fly. I'm originally from Long Island = )

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #13

Cool. Nice to see some New Yorkers here,

I disagree with the Fat vs Short argument. Sure a lot of guys don't like fat women, but there are a lot of chubby chasers who only go for fat chicks . I like the race argument more because like height, you can't chagne your race. 

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Re: Is it fair to say short men and tall women have it the hardest?
post #14


Originally posted by sean1620

Thanks Fly. I'm originally from Long Island = )

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