Janice Gassam talks about why she doesn't like short guys

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Janice Gassam talks about why she doesn't like short guys
post #1

This is when she was just "JniceOnTheMic". Years ago, she had a video on her channel titled, "I don't date short men". She has since removed that video, most likely as she's moved up in her career, she'd want to distance herself from that. This is the closest video to that from that period where she takes a more "tall guy positive, short guy neutral" stance. She's now Dr. Janice Gassam Asare and has a huge following in the DEI space.

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Re: Janice Gassam talks about why she doesn't like short guys
post #2

I saw her "I don't date short men" video years ago. She might have removed it becasue of the backlash she received in the comments. There was a lot of it. 

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Re: Janice Gassam talks about why she doesn't like short guys
post #3

I remember her "I don't date short men" video. She likened short men to "Lord Farquaad". Definitely one of her cringiest videos which is probably why she deleted it.