Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man

Short Vassal
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Giant Syndrome
Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #1

To be fair, he disrespected all of the people he played this prank on in this video, but this type of response is what usually backfires.

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #2

One has to be careful out there doing pranks. Regardless of his size, depending on who is involved or the area, this could have went one way or the other with either getting hurt, especially if this were a red area or red state where conceal and carry is a thing. 

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #3

Height aside, I don't know how and how people insist on continuing to do videos like these. 

Remember this guy? He's not short and has gotten knocked out and slapped a few times for sayiing spicy stuff. 

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #4

First question he should've asked these women he walked up to was if they had a boyfriend.

Might not have saved him from some thirst bucket, but that may have prevented this situation. 

No sympathy for this guy. He bought it on himself. 

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #5

Not worth doing this type of stuff dogg. Too many people packing heat these days. 

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #6

These dudes need to chill out. That could've went left. 

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #7

Most of these prank videos are obvious, but this looks legit. It could have definitely escalated. Then again, we don't see the ending here.

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Re: Kevin Diaz learned why cold approaching can go wrong as a short man
post #8

The saying goes, "don't write a check your mouth can't cash".

This easily could've been a "death by simp" situation if the wrong parties were involved.