My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.

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My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.
post #1

It's what I call "social safety"......

My theory is this: young, sexually viable, fertile women value social safety a great, great deal. What is social safety? It's meeting the approval of one's girlfriends and immediate family. Not doing anything to embarrass oneself in front of these people. There is a "sisterhood" amongst female friends that is enormously powerful between the teen years until somewhere in the 30's when women start to become more independent of the opinions of others. Social safety is especially important with college and post-college age women. Women in this age group are ENORMOUSLY concerned about what certain folks think of them and the decisions they make.

And the plain truth is that girlfriends and family get really concerned when a young woman they love is dating a short man.

Nicole Beland, who used to be a relationship/sex expert for Men's Health Magazine, said before her recent marriage partner that her best boyfriend ever was a short guy. He was something like 5-5. He had everything you'd want in a guy, including a killer body. Good lover as well. However, this guy's height was the CONSTANT source of commentary from her girlfriends, her mom and her dad. It just never ended, no matter how many times she asked them to stop, and no matter how many times she spelled out his great qualities. It got to be so bad that she finally had to break up with him. In the end, social safety mattered the most at her age. Instead of telling these people to "F" off, it's none of your business who I date, it was incredibly important what her girlfriends, especially, thought. 

That's really where this is coming from. Yes, there maybe some evolutionary psychology components, and the Disney films, romance novels and heartthrob celebs don't help either, but I really feel that "social safety" is the biggest factor in women having a bias against short guys on the dating circle.

I truly feel that beyond all this B.S. that people fall in love who they fall in love with. True love has no boundaries. If you removed the social safety component, I feel you would see more tall girls dating short guys, more interracial dating than ever, lots more equally sized couples, etc.

The GOOD thing is that as females age, they become less concerned with what OTHERS think about their partner. They're more independently minded. When you get to that age, you simply date the man that you love. You also just emotionally mature more....looks matter a little bit less, etc. You may not want kids or can't have them anymore. Bigger questions emerge. Women start thinking: "Is this the kind of man who would stand by me if I developed breast cancer?" "How emotionally supportive would he be if I lost my beloved mother?" 23 year old chicks from New York City who are living 3 to an apartment off of daddy's money don't care about these questions. To them, life is eternal.

Also, those NYC women are remarkably ignorant. They should realize how many more heterosexual single men there are compared to heterosexual single women in NYC. There are 3 single women for every single guy in Manhattan. According to most studies, 1/3 of NYC Manhattan single guys are gay, and a lot of other guys work all night and day and don't have time for a relationship or are already in relationships. A single woman in Manhattan cannot afford to be that choosy, which probably explains why the city is more amenable to casual hookups than real relationships. It's one of the reasons why I hate shows like "Sex In the City" and so on. NYC (specifically Manhattan) is unlike any city in the nation. It couldn't be anymore different than San Francisco, Omaha or Houston.

That being said, I would like to recognize that Mexican-American ladies and many other women of a Hispanic background seem to be less concerned about a man's height than women from other cultural backgrounds. It's probably because their Dad's tend to be short. The last two women I seriously dated were Latinas (I am white). Both of their parents in each case were shorter than 5-4. In fact, one woman's Dad was two inches shorter than his wife. Now both of these Latinas were first generation Americans, so they weren't totally immersed in a culture that told them that dating short guys was bad.

Anyway, I have more things I could talk about, including a big rant I have against sperm banks who don't seem to realize that 35% of all men are short, and that a percentage of them are infertile and would like to have a child with their spouse that resembles them and not some 6-2, blonde, North European stud...........

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Re: My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.
post #2

Good point, i buy that.

But i think that you are overseeing the biology side of it.

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Re: My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.
post #3

What does biology have to do with it? 400,000 years ago the average human height was 6' now the average human height is 5'6."  100,000 years ago there was an ape called Gigantopithecus who weighed 1,190 lbs and was 9'8" tall. Long before him were the giant dinosaurs. Everything has been getting smaller and more efficient for millions of years. Humans have seen recent increases in height which scientist attribute to nutrition, but we are starting to get smaller again in the last 100 years. Short people have a higher sex drive and as a result reproduce faster. If you look at sheer numbers tall people are going extinct. The rate may well increase in western civilizations now as women have become so bigoted against short men due to social pressures as mentioned above. This has led to a major increase in the transmission of STDs in females with common STDs like Chlamydia occurring 5x as frequently in females as males. This correlates well with statistics which state western women find 80% of men unattractive and also the fact 80% of men are below 6' in height. 

This is exactly what extinctions are made of. Simply put western civilization may well be headed toward extinction, we're just one bad STD away from losing all of our women who are the bottleneck in the reproductive process. If you want to make something extinct, kill or make the females infertile. They take months to create a baby, men can create several babies in a week. Heightism is a very serious social issue, much more important than anyone recognizes.

Short Knight
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Re: My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.
post #4


Originally posted by newtonsghost

What does biology have to do with it? 400,000 years ago the average human height was 6' now the average human height is 5'6."  100,000 years ago there was an ape called Gigantopithecus who weighed 1,190 lbs and was 9'8" tall. Long before him were the giant dinosaurs. Everything has been getting smaller and more efficient for millions of years. Humans have seen recent increases in height which scientist attribute to nutrition, but we are starting to get smaller again in the last 100 years. Short people have a higher sex drive and as a result reproduce faster. If you look at sheer numbers tall people are going extinct. The rate may well increase in western civilizations now as women have become so bigoted against short men due to social pressures as mentioned above. This has led to a major increase in the transmission of STDs in females with common STDs like Chlamydia occurring 5x as frequently in females as males. This correlates well with statistics which state western women find 80% of men unattractive and also the fact 80% of men are below 6' in height. 

This is exactly what extinctions are made of. Simply put western civilization may well be headed toward extinction, we're just one bad STD away from losing all of our women who are the bottleneck in the reproductive process. If you want to make something extinct, kill or make the females infertile. They take months to create a baby, men can create several babies in a week. Heightism is a very serious social issue, much more important than anyone recognizes.



Okay, i get the way that you are looking at it. Tall men are not going extinct, we are just getting shorter. Which also means that the shortmen 400k years ago, are even shorter.

Biology has something to do with the programming of how we are looked at by others. the "survival" instinct, things that pretty much are unchangeable. Women look for the best genetics which frankly short men do not desplay. (Women of heigher IQ tends to overlook the superfecial part of men, Height, skintone, "skincleanness" etc).
We desplay the underdogs, less strenght and status. Despite that we evovled into a "modern" day society, the way we think did not. 
If you do not believe that fact, take a look at your found statistics 80% of men are unattractive. Women care about status, thats why male celebrities can get who ever they want no matter how they look. You can even trace it all the way back to silly DJ's.
Women find muscular guys more attractive aswell.


Where men are different, it doesnt matter how famous you are, we are jumping in their pants reguardless if its a mediocre girl from the bar, or if its a famous singer of the same superfecial caliber. <- Its all the same for us.


I was actually looking for the STD statistics a while back, on the same background (Who is leading the STD market) If it is true, i was right, that women are victim of more than men.
All women can get as much as they want, but only a select few men can.
Also when looking at the statistics, that women have more sexual partners than men do.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-05-29 08:52:01)