Overheard an argument

Mr Dixon
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Overheard an argument
post #1

So I was at the mall waiting outside for my buddy. I was having a smoke and heard this younger guy yelling at his girlfriend. they have to be between 17 and 20. Anyways, what really made me listen was when the girl said "well if you were as tall as your brother we wouldn't have that problem now would we!?" and a group of teens near by started ohh'ing and laughing. Not sure what the fight was over but to yell that in public is not only demeaning but childish. Ever witness a fight end in heightism remarks?

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Overheard an argument
post #2

Oh yes I have. Specially with teens and people in their 20's. It is sad when you hear it because it is out in the public light. I would never do that to someone, even if I had a problem with their appearance. 

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Re: Overheard an argument
post #3

I seen this kind of stuff all the time when I was still in school. It was sad and pathetic. This kind of teasing should end past age 12 but it tends to get worse and more offensive with age.

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Re: Overheard an argument
post #4


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly

Oh yes I have. Specially with teens and people in their 20's. It is sad when you hear it because it is out in the public light. I would never do that to someone, even if I had a problem with their appearance. 

I really don't hear of this happening with people past 19 unless they are drunk or immature. 

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Re: Overheard an argument
post #5

Kid and adults who haven't grown up have things like this happen. It is a shame to see people like this raising kids though. 



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Re: Overheard an argument
post #6

I see more of this in poorer areas. Like lower middle class and below. I grew up in a middle class and above area that is not considered a ghetto. Back then, there was teasing but not like now. People get beat up for being white or acting "white". It is sick.

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Re: Overheard an argument
post #7

It happens in every age group. Specially at bars and places where people are on something lol