Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths

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Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #1

Last Edited By Ghel2136 (2017-08-25 04:43:43)

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #2

The good thing about this guy is that he acknowledges some truths that other spend years denying exists.

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #3

This guy and op are idiots.  He's a simp ass cuck that is stating that tall men are genetically superior and op obviously agrees with  this bullshit.  Pure bullshit!!  Women do think tall men are genetically superior, but in reality they're not.  Women have bad judgement and they generalize a lot.  You can't trust women's judgement.

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #4


Originally posted by bigwhereitcounts This guy and op are idiots. He's a simp ass cuck that is stating that tall men are genetically superior and op obviously agrees with this bullshit. Pure bullshit!! Women do think tall men are genetically superior, but in reality they're not. Women have bad judgement and they generalize a lot. You can't trust women's judgement.

This guy gets it.....

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #5


Originally posted by bigwhereitcounts This guy and op are idiots. He's a simp ass cuck that is stating that tall men are genetically superior and op obviously agrees with this bullshit. Pure bullshit!! Women do think tall men are genetically superior, but in reality they're not. Women have bad judgement and they generalize a lot. You can't trust women's judgement.

a bunch of short guys saying "tall guys are not genetically superior" is like a bunch of fat and unattractive women sitting around and saying "fit and attractive women are not superior to us!" the reality is they are superior in the eyes of the opposite sex and that is all that is important

Last Edited By d11221 (2017-09-15 23:58:03)

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #6

The problem with this guy in the vid is his negative attitude. Sure hes mostly right about what Hes saying but if u dwell on these kind of thoughts u will be miserable for the rest of your life. No sane woman would ever be attracted to a man who looks down on himself and complains about not getting what he wants. Sure alot of women will see a tall man as being superior and his height will get his foot in the door but Hes still gotta prove Hes actually superior. Its unfair that us short dudes have to work harder to prove our worth but complaining about it wont change a thing. Btw this dude in the video (eggy) actually found himself a girl just as awkward and funny looking as he his. Search eggy and pizza on Youtube. There's hope for us after all

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Re: Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths
post #7

i agree about his negative attitude but seriously he's not ugly. he's not chiseled face but he's not ugly. Almost everything he says is happening. i also have seen the other video from him. he is right but it's the world that we are living and it's not fair and it has never been supposed to be fair. we are born with different genes and it is what trascends the people on getting good things out of this world. i wish i was taller and i had a better family but it's not our choice. we don't choose our parents and infact this is the most important thing.