Short bosses

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Short bosses
post #1

Has anyone had a short boss in their time of working? I myself am hoping to become a boss one of these days and I was just wondering if anyone here has had any bosses who were your own height or bit shorter or taller? I never had a short boss. Does it even matter though? 

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Re: Short bosses
post #2

Um, no. I have not had a shot boss in my lifetime, to be honest, I've never had a boss. I worked for a very short time in my life until I started making my living online. I am very happy going this route.

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Re: Short bosses
post #3

I have two managers. One is above 6 feet. The other is either 5'7 or 5'6. The shorter of the two bosses is respected more by our team and is very firm. The taller of the two is more reserved and has no people skills so don't believe everything you read online about short man syndrome.

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Re: Short bosses
post #4

I am a short boss and considered top talent in our company. Up until a couple of months ago I managed a sales department with eight sales managers and hundred salespeople. In the last couple of months I have been asked to manage two additional sales channels as well as mine. So I currently manage three sales channels with eleven sales managers and one hundred fourty sales people. 


Don't let your height make you feel you can't be a boss. You can! I would suggest focusing on developing your leadership skills, emotional intelligence, character, work ethic, and your industry specific competencies. People who are successful are willing to do things others aren't; including developing themselves.


Last Edited By getsbetterfromhere (2014-07-16 21:37:17)

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Re: Short bosses
post #5

Getsbetterfromhere, would it be too much to ask how you got involved in Sales and how you moved up the ladder? How long did it take and what were some of your obstacles. I'm younger than you but feel exactly how you say not to feel at times. There are times where some of my coworkers give me hell for being a smaller guy by insulting me and no one takes me seriously.

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Re: Short bosses
post #6

> getsbetterfromhere wrote: >

Don't let your height make you feel you can't be a boss. You can!


Robert Reich who is only 4'10 would always say "Don't let your height stop you". Great words my friend. 

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Re: Short bosses
post #7

> getsbetterfromhere wrote: >

I am a short boss and considered top talent in our company. Up until a couple of months ago I managed a sales department with eight sales managers and hundred salespeople.


Had to upvote your post. It's great seeing men like us in high places. 

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Re: Short bosses
post #8

how do u develop all those things like emotional intelligence, success, confidence?

what u go and take more classes or watch on utube?