So it happened at the store

Short Squire
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So it happened at the store
post #1

I wont say which store I was in, but I felt like everyone was laughing at me. I went in to buy shoes and I had to ask someone to get a few pairs down. There were like say 4 or so teens working there and they kept giggling. As I was checking out I heard one of them crack a smurf joke because my shirt was that same blue color. I was tempted to say something but bit my tongue. Should I call the store and report it? I am tempted. I am still pissed. I almost want to return to shoes and tell the whole store to go stick it.

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Re: So it happened at the store
post #2

Damn dude. I know how that feels. I would call and ask for the manager. Better yet, as a friend to go in the store and see if the manager is on the shorter side, if he is, call him, if not, contact the regional manager. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: So it happened at the store
post #3

I would report it. Them little snots don't need to be working there if they can't even act mature. 

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Re: So it happened at the store
post #4

I know it has only been a few days but did you end up calling them on this? I know I would have. Heck you may get free store cred from it!

Mr Dixon
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Re: So it happened at the store
post #5

This happened to me a few times and I used to let it bug me then I thought about it and honestly, it isn't worth avoiding places because of a few immature twits. 

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Re: So it happened at the store
post #6

I agree with Dixon. You can't let people like this keep you from enjoying places you liek to shop at. Screw the kids who have nothing better to do. 

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Re: So it happened at the store
post #7

So I ended up reporting it to the store manager. He assured me they would be taken care of and he is giving me a $50 giftcard for the store to keep my buisness. That was nice of him and I am glad I did say something. It still pisses me off though cause it is not like there wasn't anyone around. Other people were looking at me too when they heard them.

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Re: So it happened at the store
post #8

Glad it worked out for you. I hope these kids get fired or written up. Keep your head up!