Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter

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Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #1

Short Vassal
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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #2

"would you date a guy 7'4" - yes


"would you date a guy 5'4" - no *laughs*


Wow. Doesn't matter if he's an axe murderer, they'd still choose him over a guy who is just a few inches shorter. Don't know how tall she is tho

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #3

K. Well a lot of the guys said they wouldn't date a woman who was taller (unless she was hot). Kind of sounds like women who won't date a short guy unless he's rich. I like short guys but it cuts both ways IJS devil

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #4

> SullyOs wrote: >

K. Well a lot of the guys said they wouldn't date a woman who was taller (unless she was hot). Kind of sounds like women who won't date a short guy unless he's rich. I like short guys but it cuts both ways IJS devil



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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #5

C'mon, only the average height man said he wouldn't date a woman who was his height. He didn't interview any tall men.

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #6

> minilinebacker wrote: > C'mon, only the average height man said he wouldn't date a woman who was his height. He didn't interview any tall men.



I'm not tall but I'd guess that taller men are used to their taller privalege, so dating a woman their height or taller invades their space. I guess if you're a tall woman and only limit yourself to really tall guys then you will find what you want. Taller guys have their pick though. If you're used to wanting to feel like the man and play up your manhood you might feel some type of way if you are dating a woman who is really tall.

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #7

women like tall men. more at 11.

Short Damsel
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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #8

> hardshortworker wrote: > women like tall men. more at 11.


Not all. I'm 5'6 and prefer shorter men.

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #9

Notice the only woman who didn't have a problem was the one asked when standing next to a short dude. Think he said he was 5'5.

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Re: Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter
post #10

> TheGreatest wrote: > Notice the only woman who didn't have a problem was the one asked when standing next to a short dude. Think he said he was 5'5.


Hey she might have been sincere about that. If she wasn't then she was probably just saving face.