The BS of it all

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The BS of it all
post #1

Why are we underpaid? Why are we considered "okay" at best in the dating world? Why must both me and women make jokes about us? Why is it hard for us to find clothing that fits?

WHY!? All because we are short. It is something we have no control over.

Stats say shorter men...

-More eager to please, harder workers, more trust worthy, more likely to be faithful in a relationship, have more street smarts, pay attention to the people around them, are more open minded...

So wtf ladies!? Because we are short none of this matters?

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Re: The BS of it all
post #2

The sad truth is that most women want to continue to be treated like crap. They complain and complain yet go back to the same 6'1 jerk offs who cheat on them with their best friends.

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Re: The BS of it all
post #3


Originally posted by Jinx

The sad truth is that most women want to continue to be treated like crap. They complain and complain yet go back to the same 6'1 jerk offs who cheat on them with their best friends.

Correct.  Because most women tend to like the tradition that CATERS to them.

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Re: The BS of it all
post #4


Originally posted by GoKnicks

Why are we underpaid? Why are we considered "okay" at best in the dating world? Why must both me and women make jokes about us? Why is it hard for us to find clothing that fits?

WHY!? All because we are short. It is something we have no control over.

Stats say shorter men...

-More eager to please, harder workers, more trust worthy, more likely to be faithful in a relationship, have more street smarts, pay attention to the people around them, are more open minded...

So wtf ladies!? Because we are short none of this matters?

All this makes me ask:  Why the hell isn't there any reform?  Why the hell isn't anyone acting on it?  With these said, why the hell can't WE act on it?

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Re: The BS of it all
post #5

Michigan is the only state in the nation which has height discrimination outlawed. Massachusetts came close to passing a bill for the same.

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Re: The BS of it all
post #6


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

Michigan is the only state in the nation which has height discrimination outlawed. Massachusetts came close to passing a bill for the same.

I didn't know that. Shame more states don't realize how horrible this crap is. My fiance seen a man fired over making a joke about a monkey (not even a person, and actual monkey) because a black co-worker found it was racist.