Is it true that there are a LOT of women who don't care about height based on what you see in the REAL WORLD? (Not online dating)
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 01-Jan-2019
Yes, I see plenty of same height and couples where the man is shorter in real life
0% of voters (0 Votes)
Nope. Women are pretty much against short men.
100% of voters (4 Votes)
4 Total votes

Where are all of the women who supposedly "don't care" about height?

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Where are all of the women who supposedly "don't care" about height?
post #1

Whenever in conversation, I am quickly told by non short men that there are "plenty" of women who prefer short men or who do not factor in height when it comes to attractiveness.

Good example is when on break from a meeting at work a few weeks back, a few men were expressing how difficult dating was for them despite being pretty open in terms of their preferences. This was met with variations of "I only like tall and fit men"  from the women at our table, followed by "It's good that there's someone for everyone" when they realized that only "tall and fit" came out of their mouths to describe their perfect partner (i.e. cleaning up their mess).

So a friend of mine insists that height is not that big of a deal and is dismissing the many studies done and is instead collecting her own data based on observation. She wants me to do the same. To actually record how many same height couples and couples where the man is shorter day to day for about a month. It's pretty obvious that I will see more couples where the man is taller, but the point is that there are "plenty" of women who don't mind a shorter man.

Want to play this game with me? Answer the poll above after about a month or any period of time to confirm or dismiss my friend's claim. I am in the belief that it is stacked up against is in the dating realm. What do you think?

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Re: Where are all of the women who supposedly "don't care" about height?
post #2

I i my HEARD of women who prefer short guys twice. Short and skinny, like captain America in the first movie before he transforms. I know of one that currently is in a relationship with someone at the same height.

I've seen a few around the same height but the guy is usually an eyebrow taller. Very rarely see shorter guys.

To bring the hopes up, my gf is taller than me by an inch and a half or so, or about 3-4 cm

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Re: Where are all of the women who supposedly "don't care" about height?
post #3

woman just say that because they know how fragile a male is they basically say "keep looking" and soon you are going to get old or you are just going to die

Short Vassal
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Re: Where are all of the women who supposedly "don't care" about height?
post #4

Doubtlessly no women would prefer a short guy to a tall guy when it comes only to height. Presumably you know there are plenty aged women out there those who care about your money and they don't care about your height as long as you provide enough fund.  I'm going to talk a little bit off topic. Considerably I have seen many newly started topics on this forum relating to women and short men and sometimes the connection between height and dating and etc. As a matter of fact, it's really good that we can share our stories but I think this isn't just being short that has led us to be here talking and signifying the fact that women don't like short guys. This is our lack of success with women that made some of us hate women. Believe me, I think there is something which I would call it "sexual chance" or "Sexual Luck" or whatever you know. I live in jungle, my country is a real jungle where taller or stronger guy would push you back in your way to make a way for himself., where they fight to death to bang a girl, where humanity is far forgotten and you may be killed or stabbed most likely like every second. I have seen short strong guys who have had like lots of girls around and vise versa about tall guys. So the thing is sexual luck that some of us lack in some levels.