Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?

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Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #1

many interesting comments:



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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #2

Yeah, a lot of us have read it. A bunch of hypocrites most of them are. Feminism blah blah blah. Men and women are equals blah blah blah, but I need a man to be taller, stronger, blah blah.


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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #3

It is an idea or "standard" fed to children who then grow into adults. Just like women need to be in the house, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. That has not been an issue in sometime, but now women who are stay at home moms are targeted as lazy and gold diggers. Feminism is like most religions... No one is ever happy and they always change things to suit and line their pockets. 

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #4

No matter which way you spin it, there is a difference between having a preference and being a moron. Sure, have a preference to date taller men but don't shun all short men over it. Then it is no longer a preference. I have a preference for thinner women but I have and will date a bigger gal if I enjoy her company and she has a pretty face.

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #5

Women are still rejecting short guys for the same reason most men dont date heavier women... To appeal to other people, think about it. I have a buddy who always dated thin women to make his friends jel over it. He came out a few years ago and said the reason none of his relationships worked is because he felt like he was dating little men. They all had no body fat. He said he loves thick girls. He is engaged now to a woman who is 5'5 and 200 pounds. 

Last Edited By Dez (2015-09-21 19:16:06)

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #6

Thought I'd throw in a woman's perspective. To play devil's advocate - everyone had a preference for what they're attracted to - sometimes you just can't help it. 

But I'd have to say, in my opinion, it's usually their own self confidence. Women are trained to want to feel smaller, cuter, cuddled, taken care of etc...(despite all the feminist, you-go-girl stuff) so that usually means someone taller and heavier than they are.

A woman really has to have her own confidence to date someone shorter or skinnier than her. She has to be able to really not care what anyone else is thinking and have her own confidence in herself and her partner. 

How easy is that for anyone?

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #7


Originally posted by goodmorningbeautiful

Thought I'd throw in a woman's perspective. To play devil's advocate - everyone had a preference for what they're attracted to - sometimes you just can't help it. 

But I'd have to say, in my opinion, it's usually their own self confidence. Women are trained to want to feel smaller, cuter, cuddled, taken care of etc...(despite all the feminist, you-go-girl stuff) so that usually means someone taller and heavier than they are.

A woman really has to have her own confidence to date someone shorter or skinnier than her. She has to be able to really not care what anyone else is thinking and have her own confidence in herself and her partner. 

How easy is that for anyone?

First, welcome to the forum. It is nice to have a woman's perspective here. 

On that note, your response is the typical blame shifting response I'd expect to hear from a lot of women regarding this issue. And there's that dreaded "C" word and the "sometimes you can't just help it". There was an article on this site which calls it the "damsel in distress" response.  If women are truly independent and strong, then one wouldn't "need" to break from any societal "training". Behaviorisim has largely been discredited in explaining people's actions. You are the captain of your own ship.

There is no "confidence" required. If you are attracted to a short guy, then date him. If you aren't attracted to him, then don't. Anything less than this means that you're playing puppet and are not as independent as you think you are because you care about other people's opinions. It is a great example of the red pillers who claim that women are more concerned about a man's social status (height, money, job) than anything else and that anything less than the top 20% won't do. 

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #8

Again... just mentioned I was playing devil's advocate with my two points.

We are on the same page with the attraction point. Some women just aren't attracted to shorter guys. Period. Nothing you can do about it. Same way I'm sure some shorter guys prefer women their own height.

As for the confidence point... it's true. I don't see how you can 'blame shift' who you're attracted to nor how you've been conditioned.

And on a third point I think you're right - that there are women out there that are only interested in some sort of social status of the 'right' looks/height and income. But why would you want to date a woman like that anyway!?

I was just putting in my two cents... not wanting to get into a heated discussion. I've dated shorter, taller, heavier and skinnier guys all through my life and am currently dating someone 4 inches shorter than me.

Have a good one!


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by goodmorningbeautiful

Thought I'd throw in a woman's perspective. To play devil's advocate - everyone had a preference for what they're attracted to - sometimes you just can't help it. 

But I'd have to say, in my opinion, it's usually their own self confidence. Women are trained to want to feel smaller, cuter, cuddled, taken care of etc...(despite all the feminist, you-go-girl stuff) so that usually means someone taller and heavier than they are.

A woman really has to have her own confidence to date someone shorter or skinnier than her. She has to be able to really not care what anyone else is thinking and have her own confidence in herself and her partner. 

How easy is that for anyone?

First, welcome to the forum. It is nice to have a woman's perspective here. 

On that note, your response is the typical blame shifting response I'd expect to hear from a lot of women regarding this issue. And there's that dreaded "C" word and the "sometimes you can't just help it". There was an article on this site which calls it the "damsel in distress" response.  If women are truly independent and strong, then one wouldn't "need" to break from any societal "training". Behaviorisim has largely been discredited in explaining people's actions. You are the captain of your own ship.

There is no "confidence" required. If you are attracted to a short guy, then date him. If you aren't attracted to him, then don't. Anything less than this means that you're playing puppet and are not as independent as you think you are because you care about other people's opinions. It is a great example of the red pillers who claim that women are more concerned about a man's social status (height, money, job) than anything else and that anything less than the top 20% won't do. 


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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #9


Originally posted by goodmorningbeautiful Again... just mentioned I was playing devil's advocate with my two points. We are on the same page with the attraction point. Some women just aren't attracted to shorter guys. Period. Nothing you can do about it. Same way I'm sure some shorter guys prefer women their own height. As for the confidence point... it's true. I don't see how you can 'blame shift' who you're attracted to nor how you've been conditioned. And on a third point I think you're right - that there are women out there that are only interested in some sort of social status of the 'right' looks/height and income. But why would you want to date a woman like that anyway!? I was just putting in my two cents... not wanting to get into a heated discussion. I've dated shorter, taller, heavier and skinnier guys all through my life and am currently dating someone 4 inches shorter than me. Have a good one! 

Welcome goodmorningbeautiful. Hope you post here more. I disagree with your point. Everyone has free reign, so I think what thatflyshortguy meant about blame shifting is that a lot of women blame "how they were conditioned" for their preference.  That preference is a rarely a preference but a requirement. People who have requirements when it comes to dating make the choiceto have those requirements, so it's not "society" or "conditioning".