A post from BBForums

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A post from BBForums
post #1

"I was out shopping today, and I saw one of the saddest things ever. There was a short guy with his girlfriend, they were both approximately 5"6" inches tall. The guy was perfectly good looking, he was 'handsome' in every way, he looked like a young Pierce Brosnan, but he was just quite short. He was the kind of guy you would expect to see with a goodlooking girlfriend, but this was not the case. His girlfriend was butt ugly. I don't even mean just bad looking, she was repulsive to look at. She was at least 300lbs of pure lard. I felt sick just looking at her.
I felt really sorry for the guy because he has been screwed over by genetics, and because of this he has to settle for someone far less attractive than him. He got everything else right in terms of looks, but it seemed like his height had pushed him way down into the bottom league."

What are your thoughts on this?

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Re: A post from BBForums
post #2

People assume a good looking man with a less than desirable woman automatically means something is wrong with the man... He may like bigger women. He may love her for her personality, heck he may even find her sexy. I don't think this has anything to do with him being short.

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Re: A post from BBForums
post #3


Originally posted by SharkApple

People assume a good looking man with a less than desirable woman automatically means something is wrong with the man... He may like bigger women. He may love her for her personality, heck he may even find her sexy. I don't think this has anything to do with him being short.

Exactly... It may even be due to the fact he is a complete douche, nothing to do with his height. 



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Re: A post from BBForums
post #4

Most good looking men, at any height, have an ego problem. My friend is this way. He is a good looking dude and knows it and flaunts it. He always gets women to buy him drinks, or bring him free food when we go out so maybe the dude is just a jerk and most women wont put up with that.

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Re: A post from BBForums
post #5

Put a link to the post if you can. I would like to see what others said to this guy.

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Re: A post from BBForums
post #6

Why is this dude so bothered by a complete stranger's girlfriend?? It sounds like he has issues himself. lol


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Re: A post from BBForums
post #7

She must have the IQ of Albert Einstein and the wit of Oscar Wilde to make up for her looks.



Originally posted by Spider


Originally posted by SharkApple

People assume a good looking man with a less than desirable woman automatically means something is wrong with the man... He may like bigger women. He may love her for her personality, heck he may even find her sexy. I don't think this has anything to do with him being short.

Exactly... It may even be due to the fact he is a complete douche, nothing to do with his height. 



If he was a douche, he'd get hot 10 out of 10 model women throwing themselves at him. They love bad boys. No, he's probably a really nice guy, hence why the hotties aren't interested.

Last Edited By ryan10 (2015-11-08 21:19:14)

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Re: A post from BBForums
post #8


Originally posted by ryan10

She must have the IQ of Albert Einstein and the wit of Oscar Wilde to make up for her looks.



Originally posted by Spider


Originally posted by SharkApple

People assume a good looking man with a less than desirable woman automatically means something is wrong with the man... He may like bigger women. He may love her for her personality, heck he may even find her sexy. I don't think this has anything to do with him being short.

Exactly... It may even be due to the fact he is a complete douche, nothing to do with his height. 



If he was a douche, he'd get hot 10 out of 10 model women throwing themselves at him. They love bad boys. No, he's probably a really nice guy, hence why the hotties aren't interested.

Welcome to the forum Ryan10. Hope to see you around here a lot. There is some truth to what you're saying, but I'd beg to differ from your conclusion. If he is as good looking as the OP says he is, then he either prefers large women or has a self esteem issue. Think about what people say when they see a good looking woman with a short guy. They automatically think she's settled. That wouldn't be fair there or here.