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So I got introduced to this guy through a friend. He is 5'5, and I kid you not, dates nothing but drop dead beautiful women. I asked him how the heck does he do this? He is a good looking guy, thick full head of hair, tan, buff, tats on his arms.. So he has that going for him. He told me that it is all how you carry yourself. You can be a butt ugly dude and swing babes if you have the right mind set. And then he showed me a picture of his over-weight, balding friend who got married last year. He is about 5'7 and married an ex model who is 5'9. Go figure! Thought this was worth sharing.
I am setting up a poll. I want to see what everyone has goals for. Say, something you want to reach a year from now. It can be anything in the poll or choose other and explain below.
Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
I am curious to see what everyone thinks on this. I feel that it is a bit risky to say the least. I never felt like this kind of science should be done but if there was a chance for men to increase their height with this, would you do it? Do you think the HGH will ever work on height?
My boyfriend still struggles with his height issues. It used to bother me as well but being a short female isn't considered bad among large numbers of men. I was fine with it when I was 16 or so and knew I wasn't going to grow anymore.
Not sure if I can call this an accomplishment but it feels like one!! This really beautiful woman who was about my height appraoched my friend and asked him if I was single. She then gave him her number for me and as she was walking away, she turned around and said "Speak soon". We were at a pool hall and I swear she was the best looking woman there. Even the dudes at the table next to us were commenting and whistling. Made me feel on top of the world!
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