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Comedian says looking up to a woman is a feminist's dream
Pretty funny set all around. Bordering jestering, but he doesn't make that that the center of his act which I like. |
0 | 54 | by stumpyBump |
Comedienne jokes she loves short men because they are "weak"
Who in the world could be in a relationship with someone as emasculating as this? |
2 | 156 | by ant675 |
Started by CharlieHaus
Crown your short king SNL skit
Not too far off from reality if you think about it. |
1 | 115 | by OverTheEdge |
Started by rogerdat22
The secret to being 5'7 is this.
Comedian Joe Kwaczala lets you know the secret to being 5'7. You can find his Tik-Tok video of his stand-up set here. |
1 | 186 | by TheWay |
0 | 157 | by RhettPaul |
Started by rogerdat22
Short Boyfriend Problems
Anwar Jibari delivers once again. Art does imitate life though. |
2 | 205 | by ChuckChill |
Started by ahimsa42
Short, Short Man-Frances DiLorinzo
Just imagine a similar skit with fat women as the butt of the jokes-the comedian would be immediately banned, labeled a body shaming bigot & canceled for hate speech.
2 | 253 | by jacksplat |
Kyrah Gray another unfunny comedian makes fun of her 5'4 ex boyfriend
Sounds like a woman who had her heart broken by a man who was not supposed to do that. Only tall guys are allowed to break hearts and still be individuals. A short guy does it and it's "all short men". |
1 | 233 | by ahimsa42 |
Kevin Hart said friend told him to get height surgery
This was actually funny. "Can't just walk out being 6'6". 😂 |
1 | 237 | by jacksplat |
Caitlin Peluffo - The Number One Reason To Date A Short King
Pretty funny. She's actually going to marry the guy. For once it's not disparaging humor and just clean poking of fun. |
2 | 679 | by shortteacher |
Started by HobbitLion
Tyler Fischer - 10 Reasons To.....
Hilarious comedy. NSFW due to language. |
1 | 189 | by thepostman |
Comedian Dan Pan tackles short men and online dating
It's more like a ted talk. Funny in the "yep, he's right" sense, but worth the watch. |
0 | 246 | by HobbitLion |
Pages: 1