Member Profiles: ChuckChill
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- ChuckChill
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Recent Posts From ChuckChill
i am more introverted but this is only an issue for sub5 men. an introverted chad is considered to be mysterious & intriguing while an introverted short, bald man is looked at as being creepy & potentially dangerous.
Well, that is a large part of your issue. I'm an inch shorter than you and don't struggle with dating. I don't get half or even 2/3 of the women I'm interested in, but I don't need them all. I date regularly and being extroverted, having style, not predicating my entire existence on women and my willingness to put myself out there no matter how many times I'm crapped on is part of why I have "luck". I don't agree with "being introverted only being an issue for sub-5 men".
Taller men who are socially awkward get called "creep" all of the time.
i live in the burbs of chicago & am of italian heritage. i have no doubt that there are a few exceptions to the rule, especially in cities with large populations but for every one of them there are many, many more men who have had zero luck due to our poor genetics.
I've been to Chicago many times and out of all of the White groups, shorter Italians tend to be paired up the most out there. Same here in NY. Are you more of an introvert?
To the OP, let it go if you have the right head shape (you can always try it out, whatever hair you have will grow back), or look into a transplant. Just make sure you do your research and get a good doctor. What's dope is today, you have options.
Most Asian men I know out here are on the shorter side (yes, there are plenty of taller ones I know), so I know picking are even slimmer for women with her mindset where she is. To me it just means that the 80/20 rule over there would be like 95/5 if most women there have her mindset. Good for the 5% I guess. 🤷♂️
I don't have a problem with shortie. What I take issue with is when we use the same logic and reject certain women because we might be concerned about what our potential daughter may have to deal with. Voice your opinion about this and they will loose their ISH.