Member Profiles: DoYouLift
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- DoYouLift
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Recent Posts From DoYouLift
Can't argue with the premise of this post. I'd also say though that this is where you have to find out your niche and play there.
Yet we're told that shorter guys are the ones who are insecure.
What a nincompoop.
This guy gets it right. The only reason why Jeff gets a lot of hate is because of his size. If he were over 6', he would not be dealing with this.
At my gym, there is this dude who stands at about 5'7 and is a boxer. People challenge him often though he is jacked because they think they can push him around.
I've seen the guy fight, he's an absolute juggernaut. There was this one time where this guy was rude to him because he wanted to use one of the smith machines. I was in the middle of telling the other guy to chill out because I knew my friend would and could knock him out. He interrupted me before I could say something.
When the situation diffused, he told me to never say anything about his fighting abilities because he prefers that his opponents underestimate him. I'll never forget that.
So guys like the one in the video exist everywhere, but no one will believe that he is capable of winning a fight.