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- joshbaskins
Recent Posts From joshbaskins
I like my height. I don't have any issues with it. I like how easy it is to find clothes and smalls fit me perfectly in every mass merchandise establishment.
What I don't like is the stigma that sometimes comes with being my height, and I know it's worse for those shorter. I would also not like to be 6'5. If I had to be taller, then I'd choose 5'8 as that is when the short stigma disappears.
To answer the question though, if I magically became 6'5, everyone would believe that I am competent or an expert at something. When you're short, people always challenge you or think you're less competent when they first meet you.
I can deal with a short joke if it's legitimately funny, but these jokes came off as crass and made her seem really bitter about being a taller woman. Just my two cents.
Society's apathetic attitude toward heightism regarding short men and suicide for men overall is most disgusting. If a man takes his life, it's usually met with indifference. The frequent cruelty that shorter guys endure is usually not taken seriously, with many in proximity sometimes even laughing along men and women. Men can be horrible with this, but I notice that women's frequent participation in this is usually ignored with the blame shifted to the "patriarchy".
I have an online friend who is Guatemalan, raised here in the states and is about 5'1. She recently posted that her cousin got married at 46 and made a big deal about it. The post said, "My cousin finally got married and had his first kid at 46". I immediately knew why that might be and it's in that post.
"because around that age, many women look for a stable provider to marry and are willing overlook short height".
The key is to be able to pick up on that when dating. Yeah, no thanks.