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Recent Posts From joshbaskins
Yeah Rhett, I remember this one. I recall being so annoyed at the first broad putting her insecurities on display for the globe to see. What a loon. Shorter guys just see someone attractive they want to date. If the guy is 5'5, 5'6 or whatever, he's still taller than her and going along with the male-taller norm.
It's only seems to bea problem when short men do this though.
Forgot to add the part where she actually walks out. She just couldn't get passed his height.
I remember this episode when it was on and recently came across it again. I thought I'd share.
The show's premise is that people will get to know others in a dark room. They can't see, so all they can go off is conversation and their personalities.
This woman is an entrepreneur and is looking for a partner. They click, but she notices his short height when they dance together (in the dark.).
The video starts at 8 min and 41 sec.
The gaslighting is terrible. Imagine for a second if a man said to his girlfriend or wife that she wasn't pretty, but he loved her personality, and he had a problem with this.
Now imagine someone telling her that her mindset was terrible if she was mad about it. After all, it's what's inside that counts right?