What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?

Short Vassal
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What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?
post #1

I keep seeing this comment on youtube and on forums all over the internet. What are we supposed to learn exactly?

I get that Manlets are apparently men under 5'8?

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Re: What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?
post #2

Goes back to the Misc section of the Body Building forum which is maybe a decade ago at this point. Insecure lanky men above 6 feet would project their own body insecurities onto short men to make them feel better about themselves. 

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Re: What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?
post #3

Manlets are supposed to "learn" that they must come to terms with being at the bottom of the totem pole, always last choice (or not an option) for women no matter how unattractive she is, last in line for jobs or job promotions and thankful for anyone that acknowledges them in anyway. 

In other words, resigned to second or third class status. Seen but not heard.

I've never heard anyone discuss "manlets" off of the internet, but online, the term is used in just about any discussion concerning short men, especially YouTube.

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Re: What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?
post #4

And they talk about not calling women +size. Which is a term not used anymore....