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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Gamer douche bag

I will just qoute him and let you post your thoughts...


"i'm 6'2 white guy(w/ shoes) w/o shoes i'm 6' 1/2, and it bugs me that cloud is only 5 foot 7

the average male height is 5'10 in the united states. 

iono, i just can't take cloud seriously being 5 foot 7.. It's more of a psychological thing i guess

i know this thread has been made before but i really can't relate to a main protagonist especially if he's 5'7... Why can't they just have zack be the main protagonist? he's 6'3

anyone agree with me?"

3 1,508
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:38 PM
by Larry
My friend got ripped off

So he ordered some supplements that claim they increase height. I am not sure what he was thinking. He was taking them and got sick so asked for a refund. He got his refund but they never took him off the auto billing. He was billed for 4 more bottles and they weren't cheap. He had no idea they were doing this because he has been out of town for a month. He came back to see his bank account was missing over $300. He tried calling them and the number is fake and the site has vanished. So I am posting this as a warning... READ ALL FINE PRINT when it comes to supplments. 

1 1,607
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:59 AM
by Dez
Liven up bonfires?

I am going to have one next weekend and I am having about 20 or so people over. What are some fun things to do around the fire to liven it up a bit? 


3 1,412
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:02 AM
by Hunter
What's this about Uniqlo?

Not funny!!!!! Okay, maybe it is a little bit.... Have a sense of humor guys... smiley

3 1,935
Fri Jul 03, 2015 01:10 PM
Memorial day plans?

I am going to a family friend's for a cook out and pool party. Just a small gathering but should be fun. We have some people coming in from out of town no one has seen in sometime.

7 1,753
Sun May 31, 2015 02:54 PM
by Dez
What is with shoe sizes?

Something I noticed the other day had me thinking. So most of my friends are above 5'10 and most have size 11-12 feet. I myself, have a size 11 and I am 4+ inches shorter but I never thought I looked strange or like I had big feet. Anyone else notice that a short guy and a tall guy can have the same size feet but they never look too big or too small?

7 2,187
Tue May 05, 2015 05:33 PM
by Larry
What is up with clothing sizes?


Originally posted by Dark Willow


Originally posted by Larry

I never gave it much thought but it does seem rediculious. I don't know why, maybe because of their higher standards?

 Same here but now it is making me wonder what these standards are. I mean gay men run the fasion industry don't they? 

Mostly, or femisists. It is a sick cruel world out there.  

11 4,348
Tue May 05, 2015 05:30 PM
by Larry
Dating when your short (via Match)

Not what I meant Dixon. I meant it in the psychological stand point. Like it is a serious problem like bulimia or anorexia. Mental, not physical. 

5 2,910
Thu Apr 30, 2015 06:20 PM
by Spider
Why do men who are short feel the need to have more muscle?

I noticed that men under 5'9 then to want to be more buff where taller guys, they don't need to work out and still get tons of women. Is it a tall and slender look that some women like? Or short and buff? I mean I rarely see a man over 5'9 with a fit and buff body. Are they trying to compensate? I am only 5'6 myself and wear medium tops. So I am not "thin" but I am not buff either.

6 2,492
Sat Apr 25, 2015 05:06 PM
Are there dating sites for short people?

I know there are some for "little people" (I am not sure what to use there and not sound offensive) but I have never heard of any for shorter men or women seeking shorter conpanions. 

7 2,769
Sat Apr 25, 2015 04:53 PM
Started by GoKnicks
[ 1 2 ]
What turns you off?

Specifically with women (or men for you ladies on the forum).


For me, it is not keeping your nails clean. It drives me nuts to see stuff under there. Another one is short hair. I am not a fan of short hair on women, not one bit! Shoulder length should be the cut off point if you are a straight woman. I am not trying to offend anyone! Also, nail biting. I don't like seeing anyone stick their fingers in their mouth but it looks real bad when a woman does it while on a date or whilte we are eating. Ek!

11 4,301
Thu Apr 23, 2015 07:21 PM
by Larry
About preferences...

Refusing to date a short guy isn’t a preference. It’s a deal breaker. I have a preference for brunettes but I’d still date a blonde. Too many women use “preference” to try and not sound like shallow bitches. If you refuse to date someone based on one thing that’s completely outside of their control, that has nothing to do with preference. Refusing to date a guy SOLELY because he is short is shallow by definition. Having a preference for taller guys is one thing; flat out refusing to date a guy who’s short is completely another.


I saw this comment under an article. I thought it was interesting. I mean what he says makes sense. I mean you can have a tall preference but to completely say you will not date a man of shorter height PERIOD is shallow. 

12 4,409
Thu Apr 23, 2015 07:08 PM
by Larry
See any movies lately?

I don't go to the movies. I prefer to watch them at home. Much quieter and I can pause it if I need to. Anyways, I am looking for some things to watch. I will be going on a road trip and I am going to bring my Chrome book with me. I want to load some videos on a USB. 

5 3,119
Wed Apr 15, 2015 09:24 AM
Thoughts on this?


Is it fair to say that women who are tall and dating short men are not conidered good and acceptble by the whole, while same sex and tall men dating short men is accetble? I mean to me, it seems that most people are in fear of being rejected so whether they think it is okay or not, they support gay and lesbian couples while short men and tall women as a couple is something that most people will still look down on. 

4 2,921
Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:00 PM
by Bonez
What do tall women think of short guys (video)

So like everything else I have read and watched, this explains it is partly do to biology that women seek taller mates. 

What are your thoughts?



5 2,529
Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:56 PM
by Bonez
"If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"

So when a shorter man has confidence and is cocky, tough, ect, he is said to have a Napoleon complex? This is what I just read. I have to admit, I have been called mightly mouse a number of times and most of the time is pissed me off but I ignored it. I guess what makes me mad about this is that Napoleon was a leader, and powerful in his time but because he was 5'6, people in todays world, or the last century atleast, have made jokes about him being short. I have seen it in cartoons and heard it in jokes. So they take this powerful leader and reduce it to a joke. Why did you do what he did? I can assure you it wasn't to make up for his height, so why joke about it!?

7 2,545
Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:40 PM
by Bonez
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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