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100% Model Citizen. The shorter man in the video with his family who is just trying to go through life in peace has to deal with this type of vitriolic behavior.
She judges her brother for being short while her husband is 6'3
Brutal. Life has an interesting way of leveling things out though. On another post she mentions that she is overweight, disabled and can't work. Throwing stones at a glass house is hard work.
Woman slams podcaster for his height after labeling him misogynist.
Go figure. The irony of attacking men for being short and using that to explain their "misogyny" while boasting that your man is 6'2 suggesting that taller men aren't misogynist.
Aren't Andrew Tate, AMS, Richard Cooper, MTR, Donavan Sharp and Myron from Fresh and Fit all well over 6'? (Not calling them all misogynists, but most people with her mindset believe them to be so)
Associating "shortness" with Misogyny isn't the flex she thinks it is. 😂
Going out their way to know who the 6'5 guy is and not the interviewer
Forget about the first comment which the interviewer seemed to be okay with, but he wasn't happy with the second one. Some of these ladies go out of their way to show their disdain toward shorter guys.
10 years ago, the media dragged this 5'4 surgeon in search of a wife
Yep. I remember this and also recall being furious at the way the media was trying to portray him after watching that CNN interview.
The big lady anchor you're referring to was Michaela Pierira. She looked so salty as she attacked him for his preferences and looked silly as he explained those preferences were shaped by social norms (which clearly she guiltily follows based on her body language).
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