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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
9 2,094
Mon Feb 15, 2016 07:28 AM
Is heightism worse than racism when it comes to dating?

White men tend to have it the easiest in the dating world when it comes to dating for various reasons. If you take the average Asian male, however, they tend to be below 5'7. Do women swear off Asian men all together because of this? I know some white, black, ect men in America who only date Asian women but I never heard of the same deal the other way around. 

7 1,499
Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:56 AM
Jealousy seems to effect taller people...

This picture sums up how people act when someone has what they don't. This dude may be on the shorter side but he has the body many men dream of having.


3 1,173
Sat Jan 16, 2016 07:59 AM
Don't look down at me! A short man's perspective on heightism



4 3,271
Sat Jan 02, 2016 02:38 AM
Heightism in Scandinavia



I had the perception that women in Europe were less heightist than in North America. Lately I have been reading that women in the Scandinavian countries hate short men and won't date them. By short I mean 5'5 -5'7 range. I know average height for men there is like six feet. I thought I would ask if any short men in the range I mentioned do well with the ladies there are or are we like pariahs?

0 1,191
Sun Nov 29, 2015 06:07 AM
Is It A Hate Crime To Make Fun Of Short People?

this one is also older so hopfully not a repeat:


5 7,460
Tue Nov 24, 2015 05:39 PM
Would feminism help the short man?

Just a thought that came to mind.  What do you guys think?  Would it help alleviate the prejudice against us?  Would it change the culture in a way that gives more acceptance?  Share your thoughts in the poll and the comment section.  I'll be posting my thoughts later as I'm currently working on a research proposal.  (Please keep in mind there are different definitions and connotations of feminism.)




4 1,192
Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:53 PM
Why don't we start a Facebook page?

You know, to fight against height discrimination? I think it would be something were doing. I don't now how to set one of them up or I would do it myself. What do you all think? 

5 1,531
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:34 PM
by Dez
This is really irking me.

You know, all this say that the short man makes minimal financial gain compared to the taller man really provokes me.  So, I wanted to ask:  What are career do you have?  or  What are you pursuing?  


3 1,276
Wed Oct 28, 2015 04:04 PM
Being a short man in America

I read this blog post and wanted to share a sad truth from it...

In the 23 years that have passed since then, I’ve come to two major conclusions about being a short man in North American society and they are thus: It sucks and no one wants to hear you complain about it.
3 1,001
Tue Oct 27, 2015 07:39 PM
Height and Children

Hello everyone,

This my first post.

I am lucky enough to have met a wonderful lady sometime ago and I now have two children (boy and a girl).  As they will soon be starting school I went to meet other parents.  I couldn't help but notice that not only was I the shortest guy (not very surprising)  but for all the couples that were there,  there was not one guy that was at least eye level with the woman.  All the men were a few inches taller.  Not one!  For some reason I found this to very disconcerting.

Anyway, I am secretly worried.  I've not discussed this anyone.  My kids will probably be taller than me when they start high school or have friends at my eye level.  I am worried that they will be too embarrassed to be with me because I am very short.  I am really scared.  How to deal with this?  Any ideas?     


5 1,748
Tue Oct 27, 2015 07:09 PM
Proof of Body Shaming

I am not sure if anyone knows what "Whisper" is. It is basically an App that allows its users to confess things they normally wouldn't to people or on social networks.

I came across this post on Buzzfeed and it honestly makes me feel ashamed to be me. So many dudes out there suffer because of something they can't control and even though I find dates, and I find girlfriends... It is always in the back of my mind that she "wants better".

5 3,217
Mon Sep 28, 2015 04:55 PM
The feminist hypocrisy

They will talk all day about women and men are equal, but then will turn around and say how they "prefer" (require) that their men be tall, make as much or more money and be physically stronger (than them and other men). After reading that Jezebel article, I made this meme, because it is accurate. 

While we're at it, let's do a poll. Do you think Feminists truly care about erasing gender norms?

5 1,551
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:24 PM
Women set goals to have tall children now?

Read this comment and threw up a little...

The question was "Do you want your kids to be tall?"

Her response : I married a 6'7" (200cm) guy. My GOAL was to have tall children! As is, the boy will be about average height with his current height projections, while my daughters will be 70th-80th percentile. Oh well.


2 1,173
Mon Sep 21, 2015 06:26 PM
Can you name short actors who consistently played lead roles?

When I look at actors like Daniel Radcliffe or Macaulay Culkin, I think of failed artists in the sense that when all of the cuteness disappeared, there were no roles for them. I'm talking about actors of our generation. Tom Cruise, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman are from a different era where the average height for men was a tad lower. Tom Cruise played lead roles through most of his career, but he is borderline short.

See Radcliffe, he played a lead role in a romantic comedy. It seems like that's all that's left for short adult actors, movies that play up dumb stereotypes of short guys being buffoons (Ben Stiller, David Spade, Martin, etc). 

9 1,347
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:38 PM
I don't get this one...

6 1,419
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:36 PM
"Tall" now grants you better schooling


What a load. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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