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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 102
Mon Aug 05, 2024 03:12 PM
5'5 man shows you what confidence looks like

This really is it. Dude takes no prisoners. 

0 72
Sun Jul 28, 2024 09:54 AM
Some rare love for short men by ladies in the wild

Ladies Showing Love To Short Guys | Height And Dating | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

If you look, you'll find it. It's just wading through all of the weeds until you find your flower. 

0 92
Sun May 12, 2024 07:02 AM
She doesn't get the short man hate.

There are allies out there. 

0 119
Fri May 10, 2024 05:19 AM
4'6 guy talks about confidence

Man talks about his journey from being a shy, introverted, insecure persson to becoming open, confident and connected.

1 1,020
Thu Oct 29, 2020 05:43 PM
Don't Be Lazy

Amen. Single, childless men have no excuse not to work a lot of hours and stack. 


0 800
Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:54 AM
The best thing that never happened (i.e. Tall men get rejected also!)

This is just a great story where Richard Cooper (presenter) talks about how he was rejected from a life dream because of his height and had to move onto other things. A great message overall. Worth the listen.

3 1,283
Sat Jun 02, 2018 07:34 PM
No one gives a FUCK about your problems

Which is why this place is so essential. No one cares about the problems of short men, so we have to build each other up and use this community as a resource. Tell anyone you know about this site and spread the word and keep this place going. Wish all of you a Happy New Year.

0 832
Sun Dec 31, 2017 08:41 AM
What are your New Years Resolutions?

Have you guys made any New Year's resolutions or goals? If you made any last year, were you able to live up to them all?

2 1,156
Sun Feb 19, 2017 05:16 PM
What being a Short Man REALLY Means

As you can probably tell, I am a 5’1 adult male living in a world of criticism and insolence.  All this seems terrible; correct?  Well, actually no because I stand strong and I survive the attacks aimed at me.  To elaborate on this, I will explain my optimistic concept.  Call it what you will: acts of a syndrome, a silly idea, what have you.  I will attempt to speak my honest words.


Being a shorter male, I am sometimes laughed, disregarded, rejected, or betrayed, etc.  Witnessing these things really impacted me immensely.  I dwelled on these things then the epiphany hit me.  It explicates that being a shorter male is a blessing.  Why?  Because it grants him resilience, determination, and understanding.  This is a situation that involves “Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback.”  This was stated by Pastor Osteen.  That is what being a short man means: Never giving up and appreciating the situation, no matter what it is.


Always know that various important figures throughout time were short males.  There was the lawyer and leader, Mahatma Gandhi; the great entrepreneur, Andrew Carnegie; along with the passionate adventurer, Captain John Smith, the list goes on.  It is even said that Jesus of Nazareth was short!  I also need to include another leader, Martin Luther King Jr.  All these individuals that I have enumerated followed the optimistic notion.


Also, this is for those of you who are open to faith.  As a Christian, just know that God watches over you.  I have studied different faiths and philosophies, and I believe that God in the Christian context is the complex being of justice and righteousness.  This being always supports the “underdog,” of which could be the shorter man. 


Let me end off by saying: never give up and love yourself.  If someone tries putting you down, turn the left cheek and walk away, just as what Jesus of Nazareth did! 


Heck, just earlier today at university, someone spat a piece of gum on my favorite sweater today; I don’t know if this was an accident or on purpose!  But you want to know what I did?  I went to the restroom, washed it off, and went through the day smoothly!


To all: have a blessed day!                              

1 2,074
Tue Jan 24, 2017 09:51 PM
Stefan Molyneux Gives Advice For Both Tall & Short Men

0 1,004
Mon Jan 09, 2017 05:27 PM
Famous Short Rapper Gives Short Men Some Tips

3 1,205
Thu Nov 17, 2016 08:34 PM
Man Does An Awesome Cartoon On His Life As A Short Guy!

Yup, I remember.  And all the trite sayings like "Good things come in small packages."  

Short teenage boys need wise, strong, loving, realistic advice from adults-- preferrable other short man, who can explain that "Yes, we've been saddled with a major, lifelong disadvantage.  Here are effective ways to deal with it and make the best out of the hand that you've been dealt."

2 1,516
Mon Sep 12, 2016 08:50 PM
Suggestions for confidence and avoiding the friend zone

Dear friends ,I was searching for different solution for confidence building where I came across this site.ita really wonderful that you guys have such a community.i am happy to share my life's dilemma.kinda use ur advice friends.i am 5ft 3 inch tall ,slim and a banker.my height did not grew after college.thats why I always shy away from girls.all well i studied and now in a good position of earning much.but there has been some circumstances where I came across beautiful girls but they all have made me friends.since then I am having a phobia of not having a girl in my life.i am 30,and now afraiding of initiating a relationship.i am thinking I will remain all alone in my life,becuz I donot think any one would love me.i always try to keep myself self motivated and have a good friends circle.


3 1,425
Wed Jun 15, 2016 01:07 PM
Height: A built in filter?

So obviously meeting and dating women who honestly don't mind a guy's height is rare.  But as someone pointed out to me once while I was lamenting about it, why would I want to date someone who's concerned with my height anyway?

It got me thinking, they were right. Height is an automatic filter that uses other people's discomfort at possibly liking a short guy to remove them from your dating pool. I know this sounds crazy, but think about it.... Would you really want to date someone that holds your height against you? Honestly??

So let people remove themselves from your presence, and what you are left with is gold as far as dating, friends and work.



3 1,412
Wed Jun 08, 2016 08:10 AM
Some Tips for Shorter Men

Life can be hard for us shorter men.  Why?  Because some people ridicule us for our height.  These people don't give us respect, dignity, nor voice.  Instead, they give us treatment as if we are 'children'.  This post is to grant tips to cope for the shorter man.  You are free to not take these tips; however, I will say that these tips have helped me.

1.  Avoid various social media and online articles.  Why?  Because they tend to be superficial and disingenuous.  Using these can destroy your self-esteem and provoke anger - very unhealthy.  Instead of relying on online articles for sources, I recommend looking at the generic newspaper or academic texts.

2.  Pursue your hobbies.  Why?  Because it takes away negativity in the mind.  Instead of focusing on hurtful memories or people, change the channel and focus on something fun!  You like building models?  Invest in various model sets where you can build and be proud of your creation!  Like reading?  Go buy some exciting books!  Like making art?  Grab yourself a sketchbook and conte crayon, make creation!  Focus on hobbies that you love doing!  Trust me, it helps.

3.  Pursue your career.  Why?  You ever hear the mantra, "Respect is earned."?  This saying can be used for our advantage because it can go hand in hand with your career.  I'm a 5'1 dude, and I have to say, people have been giving me major respect for my career-oriented progress.  I go to one of the best higher education institutions in the world.  The point that I am trying to make, is aiming high can lead to happiness.  With more success or education, you will receive more respect and better treatment.  Also, as you know, education can lead to high-powered careers.  You know those careers, where bullies don't have the brain capacity and wit to attain?  Yes, those.  If you get into these careers, you can avoid these bullies, whom we know as superficial and hurtful.  There will be less of these people, and instead, you will be surrounded by mostly determined and positive people, which is healthy!

4.  Take down 'walls'!  What do I mean by this?  Walls are various perceptions that people hold when socializing.  They can be anything really... both positive and negative!  Get rid of the negative walls!  A negative wall can be the constant thought that the person is judging your height.  Get rid of this wall!  You don't even know if they are thinking about this!  All I say is, socialize without any walls, or false perceptions.  

5.  Get rid of external validation!  The ridding of external validation...  This is superficialness's archenemy ;).  Apparently superficialness runs rampant in the world!  It's looming presence 'dehumanizes' people!  After all, look what it did to some of us...  That's why we must rid it's major mechanic - external validation.  Superficialness calls for the individual to get validated by others through physical characteristics, i.e., external validation.  We don't need this!  Get rid of it!  I got rid of external validation because I don't need some 'girl' or 'dude' judging me!  I judge myself!  Hell, I think I'm a 10/10.   

Well, I hope the tips help you.  Love 'em, hate 'em,  It's all up to you.  Quite frankly, it was fun and enamoring writing this post!  The goal of this post is to uplift the downtrodden and troubled men experiencing heightism; nonetheless, I think these can be used by anyone who is going through negativity!  Take care, and be positive!   

1 1,274
Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:18 PM

This post may be viewed by those who with certain beliefs and will be considered the views of "Napoleon Complex".  Nonetheless, I will continue to express my thoughts: that as a man, you are to use your small-statured characteristic for your advantage.  I'm pretty sure that some of you already know that.  However, let me elaborate.  I say, use your height as a way to progress to earn your dream.  Whether it would be education, careers, sports etc., use your height to invest towards your dreams.  One thing what this gene has taught me to do was to develop a thick skin and persevere.  It has taught me to aim BIG.  Think of 'adversity' as a win win.  With that being said, if girl were to reject you for being small-statured, then you dodged a bullet.  Clearly, she is shallow and inane.  Hence, instead of giving time to these girls, give time to your studies/preparation for your dream.  A dream that will grant you earned reverence.    

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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