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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Daily Mail reports Congress Shooter as 5'6, "rude" "lonely" & "creepy"

You literally can't make stuff like this up. What does his height have to do with anything? We have tens of mass shootings every year in the U.S. and if the man is average height or tall, they never bring his height up. If a guy is short all of a sudden all of his psychological issues are somehow related to his stature.

1 786
Fri Jun 16, 2017 01:31 PM
Heightism has to be based in sexism

We assign tall to men, and short/weak to women. Women fight for equality, but still want to stand behind a big tall muscular man to "feel protected". What is the reasoning behind this? How can a woman champion feminist causes but still be anti-short man (professionally, when it comes to giving respect and romantic choices)? Short women are considered "cute, petite and sexy", while tall women are "gorgeous models". 

Both short and tall women are treated with respect and protected socially, while shorter men are seen as a perpetual joke. I'm surprised that you guys don't discuss this idea of "reverse sexism" more. 

0 960
Mon Jan 23, 2017 01:14 PM
An Idea to Challenge the Heightism towards Men

The title says all; I will explain:  A way to address heightism is by making shortness , stylish.  To do this, would mean that companies would have to hire short male models.  The problem is, nowadays consumer market economy/culture forces companies and businesses to use only what is deemed attractive; they make what is stylish and trendy.  Becuase there aren't short male models or short lead male actors, we receive this treatment.  Being portrayed as that silly, unserious follower needs to stop.  And thus, being short is considered unattractive.  That's the problem.  As a shorter man, you need to be stylish.  To push this even farther, you need to be kind of mainstream. We also need supporters.  

1 1,009
Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:25 PM
Short man goes off on NYC subway. Accused Of Little Man Syndrome

6 1,847
Wed Aug 03, 2016 09:13 AM
This is a good start for justice.

Woman, Blacks, LGBT, religion, Little People, etc. have already got a noticeable social justice.  Who's next? Maybe it could be us, along with taller women, whom are also deemed 'unattractive'.  I firmly believe we should be next on the cycle. I believe we should have justice.  A good start would be proposing new legislations that persecute 'heightist' ideals.  Namely, giving the ability for short men to participate more in media, such as modeling, leading roles in movies and shows, etc. i.e. more opportunities for us, as well as a better outlook.  Nonetheless, true that heightism may be an 'illusion'; however, it certainly takes role in 'love'.  The media poisoned the views of 'girls', making them judge us based on a characteristic that we cannot change; hence, we are deprived of affection, a feeling and a notion that ALL well-minded humans deserve.


7 1,376
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:08 PM
Do Short Men Rule The World?


I thought this was an interesting read. Check it out. I never thought of any of this.

4 1,729
Tue Aug 04, 2015 02:11 PM
Started by Dale
Trump is running

I was talking about this with my friends and while we think he would be good for some things, we can't see anyone taking him seriously. If he won we would surely crap our pants haha 

7 2,341
Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:02 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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