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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Women talking about height in public.

It's summer and I'm working in retail while on vacation from college. Yesterday while my colleagues and I were working at the register, two of my female colleagues to the right were discussing how many men they know who are 6 feet and the height of the boyfriends they had, with me in obvious earshot. They were pretty callous about it and did the "tee-hee" thing that people talk about online a lot. It almost seemed like a competition as to who knew the tallest people.

I know they weren't trying to make me feel some kind of way specifically, but it didn't compute that someone who isn't their preference was nearby when having the conversation. This is not the only conversation I've heard like this. Last week, these women, college seniors in front of my dorm building were arguing about some 5'8 guy one of them met with one woman exclaiming that "5'8 is way too short".

Is this really that common? Is that what women fuss about the most when discussing men? I have a lot of guy friends and we don't casually in public talk about how big a woman's chest is, or her weight. Even when chatting among one another, we rarely if ever do that. We just say, "she's hot" or "gorgeous" .

0 102
Sun Jun 30, 2024 09:40 AM
Even language is inherently heightist.

Think about the following phrases in English. 

  • “To look up to someone” - To admire someone, this person sets the standard
  • “To look down on someone” - To deem someone inferior
  • “Punching up” - To take on a challenge greater than oneself
  • “Punching down” - To pick on those lesser than oneself
  • “To be above something/someone” - Being too good for a certain task/person
  • “He is beneath me” - I will not reduce myself to his standard
  • “To lower oneself” - To exhibit morally inferior behavior
  • “Taking the high road” - Walking the path of honor
  • “Taking the low road” - Taking the dishonorable path
  • “To rise above” - Exceeding expectations, overcoming challenges
  • “To fall short” - Not meeting expectations, failing, not being enough
  • “Short-changing someone” - Not giving someone back enough money
  • Short position (trading) - Expecting something will lose value
  • Long position (trading - Expecting something will gain value
  • “Lick up, kick down” - Glaze your superiors, haze your inferiors
  • “Walking tall” - Walking with pride and dignity
  • “Standing tall” - Standing with pride and dignity
  • “Being the bigger man” - Exhibiting more honor and virtue than your opponent
  • “The little guy” (politics) - The common people, those without power in society
  • “Standing on the shoulders of giants” - Relying on the achievements of great predecessors
  • “To be head and shoulders above” - Being significantly better than
  • “To be dwarfed by” - Having either your size or your achievements eclipsed
  • “Belittling someone” - Making someone out to be/feel lesser
  • “Upgrade” - Improvement
  • “Downgrade” - Deterioration

Those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. Feel free to add to this list.

1 132
Wed Apr 17, 2024 04:27 PM
Do you encounter a lot of short men in your area?

I am 42 going on 43 and where I'm from I rarely see men my height or shorter. When I'm out and about, I see taller men doing stuff with other people or hanging out with women of varying heights. 


In my area, which is predominantly white, the vast majority of whites in this area are quite tall. The average woman in this area is taller than I am to boot. At 5'6, that is supposedly the average height of a female, but where I am many or most are in the 5'7 - 5'9 range. As I mentioned before, being my height, average height men for sure tower over me when I wear sneakers without any boost (i.e Air Force Ones). My lack of height is very obvious and is often the first thing people bring up when we begin to converse.


Race may not seem to be important, but in this context it is. I notice shorter men in other groups tend to get a "pass" and live normal lives. If they are 6ft, it's an added bonus. Being white and under 6' is a huge minus. I wouldn't say race affects others as much if they're under 6'. I believe height acts as a multiplier for all positive character traits. If you are tall it compensates yoru positives. If you're short, it amplifies your negatives. Anyone else notice that?


At 42, I've had more than enought time to experince the world around me. In social environments in clubs and lounges in my 20s and 30s, when chatting up women, taller guys would often bring up my height in a negative way to make themselves appear better to the women they were trying to get with. Women often do not see you as a romantice option AT ALL. In the best case scenario, they show some type of motherly affection toward you. Worst case, they are extremely hostile. Women near my height and sometimes shorter really believed they were taller than me or could challenge me physically. 


Knowing this, I would be very careful when interacting with some women, I would be very careful to not show any indication of romantic interest becuase it would often be met with disgust.


At work, when interacting with other men, my expertise and experience is almost always doubted. My reputation was built from hard work. I noticed that taller men were automatically assumed to have competence in many areas. They could get by with just faking confidence. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were actual scientific data showing that taller men are able to climb the corporate ladder due to this assumed competence which would lead to better relationships and willingness to be mentored. On the other hand, my words are always doubted until they are proven correct. 


The only time I don't have to deal with this is when I am not around people. I enjoy working remotely because of this. There is no one to doubt my skillset or knowledge. No one judges me on my physical appearance. When I make a mean baked ziti, the oven and stove don't care one iota about how high my head is from the floor. 


Perhaps this is why you may not see as many shorter guys out and about. It may also just be my area. 


1 121
Mon Apr 08, 2024 01:32 PM
pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

6 1,223
Fri Oct 01, 2021 04:14 AM
Forming an in-person community of Short Men 5'5"ish and below

Anybody else ever feel that urge to reach out to another "shorty" when you see them? I live on Long Island in the Town of Brookhaven. Let's link up. I'm not looking for a date...lol....let's just get that out of the way. Friends. Hangout partners. Activity partners. If you are a proud member of the LGBQT community....it's all good....you are cordially invited as well. Leave a comment and Inbox me.

7 952
Mon Oct 05, 2020 03:11 PM
Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is

I am a part time bartender here in a college town and overheard a dad ask his daughter (who was sitting down) how tall the guy she likes is. The daughter responded "taller than me, but not by that much" to which the father said "He better be haha. I hope so!". 

What a crappy moment. Why do questions like this even come up? How about "what is his major"?, What are his interests"? No, it's "how tall is he".

7 1,895
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:14 PM
Women are the ones who lack confidence when it comes to height not men

I was on break at work in our staff lounge and a co-worker of mine (woman) commented on this woman that I finally had the courage to ask out on a date. The woman was a regular customer at our store until she moved, so both my co worker and I know her.

When the customer came by the store to talk to me about our date, my co worker overheard and told me that it's great that I was able to get her to go out with me, but that I should be concerned because she is taller than me.

My question is, so what? It sounds like she can't stand to see someone happy?

1 846
Mon Oct 01, 2018 04:50 AM
Started by evilbaga
[ 1 2 ]
Anyone here think...

That their life as a short man, is basically fear? 

It is for my case.

(Didn't know where else to post this).

15 7,901
Tue Oct 06, 2015 04:03 PM
Started by Dale
PC gaming

Who on here does PC gaming? My friends have convinced me to hop off the the xbox 360 and head to PC. I am going to upgrade my tower and start buying games through Steam. 

8 2,294
Thu Jul 09, 2015 02:20 PM
Men wore the first heels

So I was reading and men actually wore heels first! They were originally designed to be used for horse back riding and war. Go figure. So yeah, when someone gets on your case for wearing height increase shoes, hit um with a bit of history! 

4 2,181
Wed Jul 08, 2015 06:07 PM
Created a new subreddit

Hey guys apparently reddit short shutdown due to some dumb reddit drama stuff so I created a new subreddit

If any of you guys were are on reddit short and are looking for an alternative.

4 1,742
Tue Jul 07, 2015 03:38 PM
Anyone getting Black ops 3?

I know it is months away but I am looking forward to it. I haven't been playing CoD other than Black Ops 2 and not many play it anymore. I didn't like ghosts and advanced warefare was too much like Halo to me.

11 3,430
Mon Jul 06, 2015 01:54 PM
Summer is pretty much here

You guys get any plans for the warmer weather? I am going to be doing bonfires and grilling as much as possible, going camping and fishing when I can, and hitting up the driving range once a week with some buds of mine.

8 1,993
Mon Jul 06, 2015 01:47 PM
Plans for the 4th?

Anyone doing anything special? I don't got plans yet. Last few years I went with the "girlfriend" but I am single now so... yeah haha

6 1,563
Mon Jul 06, 2015 01:46 PM
How is the weather?

Here it has been in the 90's the last few days. I feel like it is going to be a hotter summer for us. Not much rain yet but we have some storms coming through soon.

6 2,538
Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:48 PM
Who drinks soda?

I am not a fan of it really myself but every once in a while I get the taste and I have to have a dr pepper. I prefer it to any other one and I still havent figured out the actual flavor of it

4 1,909
Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:44 AM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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