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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
0 722
Wed Jul 18, 2018 07:49 PM
Dating advice for short guys from Alpha Male Strategies - AMS

3 817
Wed Jul 18, 2018 03:33 PM
How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?

Short men are told that we have a chip on our shoulder, that we're angry at the world and always have "something to prove".

I am an ambitious man and it bothers me when others attribute my ambition to my height. If I accomplished something in the workplace, or have a goal or plan, I am labeled as having a "complex".

No one in popular culture calls people out on this. In all seriousness, if any man had a "complex", wouldn't it be because of how he is treated, and not "because" of his height? When it's used towards me, it reeks of "accept the fact that you are inferior guy and keep quiet". 

How can we as modern short men come up with an effective retort that will shame people who use this phrase? I am open to any suggestions. As this is a forum for short men, this would be the place to come up with something remarkable. 

1 565
Mon Jul 16, 2018 09:48 AM
N'golo Kante world cup champion is 5'5

0 607
Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:06 PM
Emperor Hirohito and General Douglas MacArthur after Japan's surrender

2 2,243
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:33 PM
mike5f4 checking in.

Hello everyone! I am from Orlando Florida and am active in fighting stereotypes of short men and women in the media as a way to reverse bigoted stereotypes of us short statured people. I am 54 yo  and 5'4". Married twice ( first wife passed away ). Looking forward to meeting others on ateyelevel. 

2 763
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:18 PM
Is this Ms. Perfect?

2 1,045
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:17 PM
Why is this site less popular than r/short when this site is FOR men?

Why is this site less popular than r/short when this site is FOR men?

4 1,375
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:15 PM
Chances of me getting taller?

Just posted this on /fit/, but got no responses, so I'm copy-pasting it here:

>Mom 5'6
>Dad 5'7
>Be male
>Hit puberty shortly after 11th birthday
>Mosty inherit mom's looks but 5'7 at 18th birthday last fall
>Go from eyelevel to an eyelid taller than dad (like .25 inches) over the course of April but not gotten taller since
>Now really hungry
>Sleep 8-10 hours now (used to be 5-7)
>Gained at least 6 pounds over the past 2 months
>Armspan went from 5'7.5 at most to at least 5'7.75 since early April
How likely is it that I'm getting a second growth spurt? I just want to be 5'9

P.S.: Actually, my arm span was like 5'7.3, so it grew a little more than my height


0 1,614
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:11 PM
6'2 Arnold Schwarzenegger and 5'5 Frank Colombu

They were best friends apparently, and when Schwarzenegger married Maria Shriver, Colombu was his best man. 

0 651
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:08 PM
5'5 Junior Robinson comes up BIG for the Atlanta Hawks Summer League!

1 746
Fri Jul 13, 2018 08:11 PM
If women are lonely, it's only because men are shallow.

Whenever I see articles about older women discussing dating such as on sites like XOJane or DatingOverThirty on Reddit you'll see a bunch of women discussing how much of a hardship dating is and how they struggle to find a quality man. A lot of them men passing them up for younger women. These women consider themselves high quality.

The interesting thing is that you'll never see anyone talk about how it must be because of their personality, or calling them entitled. You never see some woman named Bianca saying how she is 78 years old and is able to attract men because she is confident.

Nope, it's because Men are shallow indecision


1 724
Fri Jul 13, 2018 07:46 PM
I have a younger brother who finally got a girlfriend and I am worried

My younger brother is 5'5 and was never really a ladies' man but did have a few girlfriends while in high school. When he got to college he struggled a bit but had one girlfriend if I remember correctly.

When he graduated college and moved to another town he went through a long, long dry spell. It got to the point where our parents were worried whether he would marry, especially since I had a ton of boyfriends and eventually got married myself.

Anyway when he moved he became extremely depressed, had no luck with online dating and had no single female friends who were real. Women who befriended him usually used him for attention and or wanted favors but had no romantic interest. He did everything to improve himself. He went to the gym, joined a local baseball team and local meetup groups.

He finally met someone off of POF, but here is the clincher. The woman is 7 years older than him (he is 29, she is 36), has three kids, one from a marriage and two from two men she dated thereafter, she has an enormous amount of credit card and student loan debt and has major impulses. She is the type to not be reflective and blames other people or entities for her problems

I think my brother is blinded by his previous depression and being lonely for so long. 

My brother is smart and extremely successful. He seems happy and I don't want to drop a ton of bricks on him by meddling. 

Should I wait on the sidelines and just be happy for him or should I intervene and try to open his eyes?

0 609
Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:54 PM
Rod Sterling from the Twilight Zone was 5'4

0 763
Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:42 AM
5'4 YouTuber with his 5'7 girlfriend

0 642
Fri Jul 13, 2018 11:39 AM
Attila The Hun was a short man

He was about 5'6 according to Google

1 1,002
Sun Jul 01, 2018 01:43 PM
Don't think you'll always be able to push around the little guy

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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