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How Tall Is Ben Shapiro? (He Says 5'9, Many Claim 5'4)
Ben Shapiro claims 5'9 but there is no way a man would take so many jabs at his height if he were an average 5'9. I'd put him at 5'6, but a lot of sites online claim 5'4.
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Hallo everyone, I just registerd here after some depression and searching for someone can understand me and may help because its mostly not worth ask opinion of person not in our shoes.
in summery I am now 29, never was in relationship, 160 cm, i am very satisfied with my personality now, confidence, career path succ, acceptance of myself, ... etc
as everyone similer i feel lonely and obviously everyone needs someone to love and be loved, make adventures together, when i was younger i didnt care as now about it, so lately i get into circle of trying, recieving negative replies, get deppressed then recover and go again to meet friends and do things other than work, be fine and trying and again depressed ... etc
i obviously do not have the luck to meet a nice girl who i will like for what she is and vice versa, this currently affecting my social life and my feeling for going out and being social and loving life in general.
because of everything before, i am really stuck between 2 options:
1- keep this cycle and hopefully i meet a girl and wont be lonely.
2- get my thoughts to get used to live my life not wanting any relation.
both options has pros and cons, as first one will let me maybe find someone so i will not be lonely when i am old (i mean older than now and will maybe experience a relationship thing). but everything is maybe and will experience much depression in cycles.
second option if succeeded to train mind, will be better on other sides, focusing on improving myself in many things other than dating and relationships side. but i will be always maybe alone.
hopefully to receive opinion from similer cases around 160cm :D
Found this picture on reddit earlier. He has to be 5'4, 5'5 max. The disturbing thing is that it shows you how much height matters in society. One of the most confident men in the world, still has to punch up his height by a few inches.
How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?
Short men are told that we have a chip on our shoulder, that we're angry at the world and always have "something to prove".
I am an ambitious man and it bothers me when others attribute my ambition to my height. If I accomplished something in the workplace, or have a goal or plan, I am labeled as having a "complex".
No one in popular culture calls people out on this. In all seriousness, if any man had a "complex", wouldn't it be because of how he is treated, and not "because" of his height? When it's used towards me, it reeks of "accept the fact that you are inferior guy and keep quiet".
How can we as modern short men come up with an effective retort that will shame people who use this phrase? I am open to any suggestions. As this is a forum for short men, this would be the place to come up with something remarkable.
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