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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Google searching "Tall Guys" vs "Short Guys"


2 1,636
Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:05 AM
any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)

well lets just say that tinder and the other plentiful amount of dating apps that i own are not 5'3 friendly, so i was just wondering if you guys know of any that are? 

3 1,148
Thu Oct 12, 2017 09:27 AM
It was not your lack of nutrition which made you short

I often hear tall people suggest that short people would've grown taller if they had better nutrition. If your grew up in the West and were not starving or suffering from severe malnutrition as a child, then you are the height you are supposed to be and are at the mercy of your genetics.

My brother was a horrible eater, very picky and went sometimes a day or two here and there without eating. He ate constant junk when he did. He is 6'3. Me? I ate well throughout my younger years and am this height. 


4 1,467
Mon Oct 09, 2017 01:44 PM
Indian video addresses heightism (guy) colorism (woman)

0 1,024
Mon Oct 09, 2017 07:54 AM
Heightism has brought me nothing else but

Heightism has brought me nothing else but

- Not accepting women who have slept with more than me, and who they have slept with (stereo types)

- Not accepting womens opinions and arguments not supported by hard facts

- Not accepting other womens past

- Not accepting who women surround them selves with (friends etc)

- Not accepting women who base their partners superfecially

- Not accepting women than care about size og penis, despite i am on the larger end


And i seriously wonder, no joke. Why does it all have to do with women? Have i been hurt to much? Or what triggers me so much that i have to dictate every woman who does not uphold the list i just mentioned. Even my own GF is a victim of this.
How do i see past it?

And how do you feel about it?

4 1,423
Sun Oct 01, 2017 09:08 AM
"Man Up" ad on Melbourne Public Transit

This ad here is telling men to "man up" by wearing shoe lifts. Imagine the shit show that would ensue if there was an ad with two good looking men starting some flat chested broad with an ad saying "Woman up"

5 1,489
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:46 AM
Self professed ugly short man talks about society's cold truths

6 1,389
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:41 AM
the fake President of the US is promoting Heightism

that guy who is pretending to be the President of the US is basically making it acceptable to put down a short guy with his "little" puns to a person who is smaller than him, he said it yesterday to a reporter and he has done it in the past to political opponents and others who are not bowing down to him, I am hoping something horrible is going to happen to that fake Piece of garbage who is occupying the White House




4 1,203
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:35 AM
Men vs Women dating deal breaker chart. How accurate is it?

3 2,434
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:25 AM
Attraction to Tall Women

Since I was a kid most of the girls I liked were taller than me anyway, but as I got older I found myself becoming more attracted to the tallest women. Nothing against short women but it always bothered me that I am limited to petite girls. If I could I would be with an attractive 6 foot tall woman but I don't even feel right approaching a woman that tall due to past experiences. Ive had girls laugh in my face when I tried to get with them and then see them talking to some tall loser for no other reason than Hes tall. I get that some women want to feel small in their mans arms but I can't help being attracted to the tallest woman in the room (long as she's actually attractive). I guess the universe has a sense of humor. Anyone else attracted to long legged women?

1 1,055
Wed Sep 20, 2017 03:34 PM
Youtuber "Angry Picnic" is a great pickup artists at 5'6

2 2,718
Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:48 AM
5'6 Rookie Half Back Tarik Cohen Is Making Noise In The NFL

Love this guy. Very humble, competitive and takes no mess with height jokes and comments. I like his retort, "Akeem is like 5'11 if I'm 4'9" referencing a jab at his height from a much taller teammate. 

0 1,082
Sat Sep 16, 2017 07:13 AM
"5 inches taller than my boyfriend"

3 1,310
Thu Sep 07, 2017 06:30 PM
Comments we endure every day

Yesterday I had the classic squeeze play.  A work team was visiting at my office and I was giving a tour. One fellow, Jim Smith, introduced himself and we hit it off great, mostly because I could speak eye-to-eye with him--  he was only 5’5”.   But another member of the crowd, a loud-mouthed, full-of-herself woman in the crowd, named Sandra, was yammering about all kinds of things.  She was about 5’10”, so I had already surmised that her father and any brothers must be ‘big’ men. "Real men."  Then someone pointed out that she happened to have a brother who is also named Jim Smith.  In a flash I could see exactly where this was going to go; she did not disappoint me.  “Well, but, MY brother is six foot five (with hand demonstration) and he’s so much taller and blah, blah, blah….”  I swiftly, just shy of rudeness, switched the subject to something completely different before she could finish, and seized control of the conversation. The end of her height boasting was covered over by my talking, so it died in the air.  Whew.  The things we endure.

9 1,310
Thu Sep 07, 2017 06:24 PM
Kicked out of heightism forum for advocating working and self-defense

I was a member of (heightismhub.freeforums.net).  I supported another member who posted that working out as a means of respect.  He was criticized by many members.  I took his stance and wrote my on post supporting his views with my own personal experiences.  I was kicked out for the forum.  The reason for writing here, is to get feedback on my post.   You can go to the above site or read below.  I would like comments.

I was reading in this site about a member advocating going to the gym to get bigger and stronger.  The reason if you can’t grow up, then grow out.  And he was criticized for this by members of this site, a short man’s site.  I just don’t understand the criticism.  To me it makes sense.  If you get bigger and stronger, you are no longer an easy target.

I wish I had thought of this when I was 12-13 years old.  I didn’t want to hurt anyone, but there was no shortage of people who had any problem in making my life miserable or in wanting to hurt me, based upon my height.  If I had worked out and knew how to defend myself, my entire life would have been different than today.  And society does not like it when a small man has the power to fight back either physically or politically, just read newspapers or blogs as proof.

I will provide my own personal experiences to justify doing exactly what the other member advocated, getting bigger and stronger.

EX 1  I was 12.  My best friend had moved to a new sub-division.  It was about 1 ½ miles away from my parent’s home.  I knew how to get to his home, so I biked the distance.  It took me about 15 minutes, but it was safe and away from traffic.  The new sub-division was being developed, so land was being cleared.  My friend and I went biking through the sub-division.  We were looking at homes under construction, when a boy, walked up to me and wanted to fight me.  I never met this boy in my life.  He was at least 1 year older, maybe 2, and was 2-3 inches taller.  A classic bully, for he didn’t choose someone bigger to fight, but someone smaller, me.  I avoided the conflict, by not taking the challenge, and took some insults in the process.  But I was singled out, due to my size.  My mother was 5’2” and my dad 5’5”, and they should have placed in me in a self-defense class years earlier, for both knew that goons, creeps, thugs and bullies would target me, for they must had experienced this themselves.  (To this day, it angers me that they did not get into a self-defense class, as I have done with my boys)

EX 2  I moved to Houston, for job opportunities.  I soon found out that it was easier to meet girls in C&W bars than regular bars.  On 2 separate occasions in C&W bars, men attempted to trip me.  Both times, I could feel a leg/foot place in front of my right foot as I was walking by.  Fortunately for me, both times, I had stepped over to my left foot so my weight was already on my left leg when they attempted to trip me.  I simply lifted my right foot up over their leg/foot and kept on walking.  But I knew exactly what had happened at the time.  2 different men thought it would be a good laugh to trip the short man and have him fall in front of everyone.  If I came up swinging at them, they could claim that I started the fight.  And they, it just so happened were bigger than me, and after all, I stated the fight, not them.  I did not see the man who did this the first time to me, but I did clearly see the man who did it to me the second time.  He was 6’1” or 6’2” and was the only one within 10 feet of me at the time.   I did not see him extend his leg out, for I was looking at the dance floor, not directly in front of me or at him.

EXC 3.  I have had tall men invade my personal space, intentionally, to either intimidate me or humiliate me in public.  A few times, I thought they were trying to get a response from me, but I knew I was over matched, and I didn’t have the fighting skill set to take them on.  So I moved away from them.

Since I was ostracized when I was young (being bullied), I had plenty of time to work out and take self-defense classes.  (But my parents never did this for me.)  I have watched my sons at their karate classes, and I wish I had known some of their moves when I was their age.  

For those reading my words, if I had to do it over, I would become an expert at kicks, to kick bully balls, break goon knees and to keep away from someone who has a longer reach.  You need strength and knowledge to defend yourself against a larger person.  There is a male karate instructor who is about 5’6” and in his late 30’s or early 40’s, and he is lightning quick.  His advice, you don’t want a fair fight.  Someone who is bigger or stronger says things like that because it plays into their favor.  You use everything to your advantage i.e. deception.  If you are forced to fight, ask a question of your opponent, like what is your name?  Just as the person begins to answer, this is when you throw the first punch or kick.  Their mind will be in gear to talk, not fight.  You will have about 1 second where they cannot begin to respond.  In that time, you kick them in the balls or kick their knee out.  Again, I wish my parents had done this for me, as I am doing for my boys. 

If this sounds harsh, it is, for goons, creeps, thugs and bullies don’t care in the least about you.  They derive pleasure in targeting someone smaller, who they feel they can easily harm.   I am no MMA wane-be.  What I want is to pass along some advice that I wish someone had given me when it would have made a difference in my life.  And for the life of me, I can’t understand why getting bigger or stronger is so abhorrent to members of this site.  I guess I am the only short male here to ever have experienced heightism and being bullied.  Also, didn’t I read at this site where short men seem to attack their own?  Am I the only one who remembers this?  Isn’t this what is happening here?


0 1,087
Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:56 AM
Woman comes up with ways to "guestimate" a man's height on Tinder

Because you know, this is extremely important stuff to know...... Original article here

0 1,196
Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:27 AM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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