ShortKingz Blog

2015 Holiday Gift Guide For Short Men
It's that time of year again! Everyone who wasn't being nice for the last eleven months is all of a sudden kissing up. Decorations are going u....
Fashion Advice For Short And Stocky Men
Looking your best is a prerequisite for success. Whether you're in the boardroom or on the scene in a nightclub, the notion of dressing your best applies to ev....
Short Man Celebrity Style: Lenny Kravitz vs. Marc Anthony
When it comes to fashion, it's all about looking great and feeling comfortable. Being able to create a unique look that coincides with current trends ....
Five Short Guy Celebrities Who Dress With Swag
I often get tired of reading blogs and articles where writers suggest or urge people to find ways to dress taller. What does that mean exactly? No &#....

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