Member Profiles: Dale
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Recent Posts From Dale
I actually just started dating someone. We been in a relationship for just over a month and it has been great. We met online, and we skype/text/ect all the time. We haven't met in person but we do video chats so we know what each other looks like. We plan on meeting up in October. She is about 300 miles away.
I guess I would just be honest and say something like your words often hurt more people then you realize so maybe you should think before you speak... Which can lead to an attack about being a "*bleep*" but at least you weren't being a dick about it, right?
Well no one wants to be considered a *bleep* though am'I right?
Not sure what it worse... saying something like this on a sign calling out short men everywhere or putting the dogs before it.
I think most of them women he has been with were around 5'4 but I honestly don't follow actors off screen lives. Either way, I didn't know he was short.