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Recent Posts From multinational
Well, honestly it also depends on your age, since women in the 20s are super unpredictable.
In my experience, she will copy what you are doing, if you are eating with her, and you lay down your fork, she will subconsciously do the same, she will play with her hair when she is talking to you. She will be interested in your conversations.
Small signs that might suggest that she is interested, you can also look it up on youtube, keep in mind that it does not always mean that she is interested.
On the flipside, if she turns dramatically when you are texting, to like ignoring you, talking hours to respond, starts sending snaps, doesnt matter if it is to you personally or my story, with outcuts of her life when she is social or doing "interesting" things, then she might be interested.
But if she seems super confident around you in a way that seems superior, taking initative continually contacting you, calling you sweet, asking into your previous dating life. she is probably not into you.
- That is only in my experience.
But take care, cause before you know it, you are already falling for her which will hurt you in the end. I would end it before it gets to serious, protecting myself. Telling her, that you cant see her anymore cause you can feel something, will be the best way, in that way she can either respond, i like you too, or i understand.
That is some unacceptable things that she's saying. That is bulling.
Option one: Report it to your supervisors, make your self serious that you do not accept that behavior, not in a sad way, but more in a confidentway, make it clear that if she continue bulling you will quit, go poplic, report to other authoritise or whatever.
Prepare to have some valid arguments if you are being confrontet by your boss, if he/she says "be a man" you will have to respond back, play the equality card and so on.
Option two: The child method, Just ignore everything she says, and her in general. That way she may get tired of spending energy on bulling you.
Option three: Which is my personal favorite. Its more revenge based, play your anger, be confident and arrogant. When she says something, respond back and twist everything she says into your advantage. When she says something, play on her looks, since its what she cares most about, if she tells you that you are a hobit, tell her that she is a fat slut and walk away. If she asked you why you didnt dress as an elf, ask her if she has a fantasy about elves, and she responds no, then you just walk away and say, keep telling your self that.
Just make drama in a defensive way, and have fun doing it. Make it clear that you do not accept her attitude with responses that will hit her mentally, gather information about her, gather a hand, and play the cards right, and you will feel a lot better
Reguardless you need confident, I find it motivating looking myself in the mirror and get angry at myself, telling my self that i am alone in this world, and i need to adapt emotionally. Find what ever makes you confident and practise it every day
If i was you, i would look for another job, and quit once you have another. Hang in there, you are not the only one having to go through *bleep* like that
I see what you are doing, and its a good deed. but the problem is, that it is not yet socially acceptable for a man to ask for help from others that do not sit in the same wagon.
In general, having people of the opposite talkin on your behalf makes us look weak in this exact moment.
You are looking at it the wrong way tho'. blacks, gays etc are not primitive issues, but short people are, especially men who are seen as lesser.
So then what would your approach be?
In short, i would much rather fight for the right of men to talk about feelings without being seen as a baby, bring down the suicide rate. And first then, make people aware of the very issue that is at hand with short guys.
In order to fix one problem you sometimes have to fix dosins.
Its related, i dont think that you can split it up like that.
Women of less intillectual values are more primitive and therefore rely more human instinctive nature, which in it self is self explanatory when it comes to height and a twisted disruption of the society.