Member Profiles: ThatFlyShortGuy
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- ThatFlyShortGuy
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Recent Posts From ThatFlyShortGuy
Yet people here say "Men aren't judged by their looks but what they can bring to the table" lmao (The guy in this video literally brings more to the table than all people on this forum combined.)
Total garbage. Just total garbage. Jonah Hill always played the overweight, annoying guy with the annoying voice in movies and that has become his known persona. People see him as such. Jonah Hill is 5'6. Bruno Mars is 5'4 (current) and Prince was 5'2 (past). Both got their share of short jokes but were seen as sex symbols and treated with nothing but respect. Jonah hill has lost weight, but people will always see him as that fat guy. He also always plays supporting roles which doesn't help his cause.
There are dozens of actors and entertainers shorter than Jonah (Joe Pesci, Lorenz Tate, Eddie Griffin, Kat Willams, Marc Anthony that don't get that level of disrespect.
Swagg/Attitude/Confidence is everything.
So BATMANBEGINS, you are once again WRONG.
You can't escape the occasional short joke, but how you carry yourself is everything.
Nikki Glaser is attractive enough that she will have no problem getting a guy if she is really desiring one, and she has the 1 thing that a guy looks for more than anything in a female and that is a "fit" body, unless you are an obscenly ugly in the face female or maybe one of these freak cases where you have an extreme amount of body hair, a female will have NO issue getting a guy if they have a "fit" body, a "fit" female is the equivalent of a tall male, as a short male is the equivalent of a fat female, except we all know which of these 4 people are pretty much screwed as there is nothing they are able to do about their situation
This is the one thing short guys with your mindset have to get out of their heads. This comes from scarcity mindset.
So what if she can get a man? Most women can "get" men.
Does that mean:
a) she can keep him?
b) She can marry a high value man? (not a simp)
There will be some dumb beta chump who would try to wife this post-wall hack up, good for him. A guy who takes on a woman who has been ran through, married several times gets everything he deserves. Yes, I will admit that her being fit does help her a lot, but being fit will help you too.
Plenty of women can "get sex" and temporary company. You see this as a plus because it's not something that the average guy, regardless of height can get. He has to work for it, and the average short guy will have to work harder for it. "Getting sex" or "Getting someone" isn't a female struggle, so it shouldn't be something to be bummed out about. For them keeping a man is the struggle, especially if it is that 6ft guy they crave. They have a plethora of options and do not have to settle.
Plenty of these women get cheated on and mistreated by high value men and resent the betas they marry (ultimately, carving out their insides in divorce court).
A short guy is not the equivalent to a fat female, a broke/unambitious guy is.
It will take a while for you to understand this.
Men aren't made to look pretty, though looks help.
Men win in the end because we are not valued for our looks. Looks absolutely help, but we are judged by what we bring to the table. It will take you a while to understand this. You can be mad about it, but for every man who complains about women only being around for their accomplishments/lifestyle/status, I'll show you a man who is only around a woman because of her looks.
For everyone who says, "Kevin Hart wouldn't have women were it not for his money", I'll show you a tall celebrity who would have the same luck, and would be ignored if he were a Pizza Delivery man.
Once you get this, you'll see that while being short is a HINDERANCE, it isn't a death sentence.
You learn this from dating and getting action. You get dates and action by upping your style, fitness, money and everything about your life in the up direction.
There is no reason why a lot of 5'5 and 5'6 guys in this forum are reporting success if it "can't be"
Remember, there are too many factors.
Ugly and short = two big struggles
The "Hot Short Guy" is actually a novel concept because it does exist.
I have friends from High School who were short, but had nice eyes according to the ladies and they had girls all over them.
Friends who were short in college, but dressed really well and wore the best colognes and had takers.
You guys need to get out and see the world for the trees.
Once you understand this, a HUGE weight will be lifted from your shoulders.
yea Tom Cruise is considered "hot" to females, he is also obscenly rich and famous so he has that going for him, as for a "regular" short guy? well if you are "hot" you have an advantage, if you are not you are probably screwed, the comedian Nikki Glaser had a whole bit ripping on short guys here at 1:48, she basically said you can find a "hot" short guy as they are probably available as they are still undisireable, of course a non "hot" short guy is probably screwed
We have to disagree here. First off, the comedian is on the older side and not the most attractive. I get that is subjective, but the fact that she has to "look" for "hot short guys" and that it is a compromise tells you all you need to know about her own dating situation.
Second, there seems to be two camps here.
Camp 1 - Short guys are undesirable, there is no hope
Camp 2 - Yes, short is not a desired trait, but it's not THAT serious if you are at least 5'5. If you are less than 5'5, then you need to excellent in other areas.
I'm obviously in Camp 2.
Why Camp 2? Because 6ft guys get cheated on. 6ft guys get raked over the coals in Divorce Court. 6ft guys also catch false grape allegations and used. The fact that they are "more desirable" makes them more of a target.
6ft guys can be ugly. 6ft guys can be broke. 6ft guys can have a small member. 6ft guys can be overweight.
A 6ft guy can be turned down because of his race, A 6ft guy can be turned down because of his career choice
A 6ft guy can be turned down because he has children.
Etc Etc Etc
In reality, there is a smallER number of attractive guys, and even if you pass the "height test", there are still a bunch of hoops you have to pass through.
If you are short there will be many women you will NEVER have access too, but you can be tall and because of a number of reasons, you won't have access to those women anyway.
As a short man who has been successful in business, interpersonal relationships and in dating, I can't emphasize the amount of women who would blatantly say "I'd never date a short guy, but there's something about YOU...... etc".
At some point, we have to stop kicking the can down the road and blaming women, society.
A masculine man will say "I have XYZ against me... now what can I do about it?".
Women are allowed to whine and complain.
Men have to figure out their way.
So either get LL and stop complainign
It is so easy to say "XYZ is a celebrity, has money, fame, etc and that is why he is able to get ABC even though he is short"
You think money ISN'T the reason why taller celebrities have access to MORE women and respect?
That's the whole point of this forum. At some point, a lot of you men complaining have to look in the mirror and maximize everything about you so you can stand out despite your height.
CNP Compound by Alkoclar
This Alkoclar man swindeled dozens of people out of $200 to several thousand dollars not too long ago after claiming to come up with some compound using CNP which made dwarves grow after maturity.
The GrowTaller forum and NaturalHeightGrowth had threads and stories about it and lead people to believe with lots of technical jargon that it could work on normal adults. No one has heard from that guy since.
It works. You need to increase CNP (or GC-B), FGF-2, IGF-1. Alkoclar research was published a year ago on harvard!!!
Japanese researchers are also testing this compound
"The present invention further relates to a method for screening for an agent for increasing a body height of an individual using the activity of GC-B as an indication, and to a method for extending cartilage bones free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."
"A still further object of the present invention is to provide a method for extending a cartilage bone free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."
High CNP levels activate GCB.
CNP = height in teenage age
CNP -> GC-B = height in adulthood (+ you must increase FGF-2 level)
This garbage has been on the internet for years. Obviously it's still garbage because there is no concrete proof that this trash works.