ShortKingz Fashion

Casual Winter Style For Short Men
Contrary to popular belief, us men have a myriad of options when it comes to winter fashion. Between the many textures and pa....
Alterations For Shorter Men: Dress Shirts
Every man regardless of height understands and appreciates the importance of dressing well and the effect it has on success profession....
2015 Holiday Gift Guide For Short Men
It's that time of year again! Everyone who wasn't being nice for the last eleven months is all of a sudden kissing up. Decorations are going u....
Why Every Short Man Should Own A Large Face Watch
Watches are the icing on the cake for just about any outfit. Depending on the make and model, color choice and type of material on the ....
Fashion Advice For Short And Stocky Men
Looking your best is a prerequisite for success. Whether you're in the boardroom or on the scene in a nightclub, the notion of dressing your best applies to ev....
Short Man Celebrity Style: Lenny Kravitz vs. Marc Anthony
When it comes to fashion, it's all about looking great and feeling comfortable. Being able to create a unique look that coincides with current trends ....

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