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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Older short guys (30 and up), has dating gotten easier?

Not trolling with this question either. Assuming everyone here is 5'8 and under and 30 and up. If you were unsuccessful dating in your younger years (20s), is it true what they say about dating getting a bit easier? If it did for you, what did change? Was it dieting and lifting, new environment, career and financial success?

It would be great if you could be as blunt and direct as you can about whether your life has gotten better or worse, especially with regards to dating as you've aged.

3 1,083
Wed Aug 23, 2017 01:51 PM
6ft is her standard

3 1,160
Thu Aug 17, 2017 05:14 AM
3 "Interesting" Women On YouTube" "Short Men Are A Turn Off!!!"

0 956
Sun Aug 13, 2017 09:10 PM
Started by SullyOs
[ 1 2 ]
I like short men

I've dated men from as small as 5'3 all the way to 6'5. Height is a turn on, but SO IS short and stocky. I will get turned on more by a man who has an attractive or average face with a built body and short than I would be a tall and scrawny man. My current boyfriend is 5'4 and I met him on a dating site. I have ex boyfriends who are 5'3-5'6. 

I do notice that taller men ask me out more and I have to actually pursue shorter guys when I find them attractive. So no worries. Keep looking and get a thick skin.

12 2,366
Sun Aug 13, 2017 02:09 PM
Woman humiliates man on television for being short

3 1,527
Sun Aug 06, 2017 05:44 PM
Short people's lives matter, except for short men

Saw this on my Facebook newsfeed earlier

5 2,378
Sat Aug 05, 2017 07:56 PM
Those rejected for your height, what was the worse thing you've heard?

Give us the worst thing you've heard.

4 1,318
Wed Aug 02, 2017 09:20 AM
9 confessions of a girl who used to date a short guy

Typical article from THOUGHT CATALOG of an insecure women "explaining" why she needs to feel protected, but rejected each time her (short man) tried to protect her ("he was trying to act "manly" or "tough"). More cognitive dissonance from a woman's head.

Article is here: http://thoughtcatalog.com/sophie-martin/2014/07/9-confessions-of-a-girl-who-used-to-date-a-short-guy13-reasons-every-girl-deserves-a-tall-guy/

1 1,292
Sat Jul 01, 2017 04:25 PM
Women lies a out age on dating site to manipulate her dating results

We are not the only ones who do it.

1 858
Mon Jun 19, 2017 08:58 AM
Even 5'10 is too short for Tinder

0 2,498
Sat Jun 17, 2017 06:29 PM
Black woman devistated by "Colorism" in online dating. Sound familiar?

Saw this on reddit and had to lol at this one. Most of the short man bashing I see on Twitter coincidentally comes from young black women. Read this article. A lot of whining about seeing "no weaves", "only into White, Asian, Hispanics" on men's dating profiles. She says she was devastated how one she noticed it online she noticed it anywhere.

Anyone reading this reminded how many "don't message me if you're under 6'", "i need to wear heels", "short men are bitter" you come across on profiles? They don't feel sympathy for us lol, why should anyone for them? A preference is a preference right?

The article is here: https://www.bustle.com/articles/37427-5-truths-about-colorism-that-ive-learned-as-a-black-woman-in-nyc

1 869
Sat Jun 17, 2017 06:26 PM
47 yr old woman single & desperate posts ad but no manlets please!

You can't make stuff like this up. Can't find a man at 47 but still insists that her man must be tall. I feel sorry for the tall guy who gets this one. Let 'em have her!

1 995
Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:03 AM
My theory about why women "usually" dislike dating short men in U.S.

It's what I call "social safety"......

My theory is this: young, sexually viable, fertile women value social safety a great, great deal. What is social safety? It's meeting the approval of one's girlfriends and immediate family. Not doing anything to embarrass oneself in front of these people. There is a "sisterhood" amongst female friends that is enormously powerful between the teen years until somewhere in the 30's when women start to become more independent of the opinions of others. Social safety is especially important with college and post-college age women. Women in this age group are ENORMOUSLY concerned about what certain folks think of them and the decisions they make.

And the plain truth is that girlfriends and family get really concerned when a young woman they love is dating a short man.

Nicole Beland, who used to be a relationship/sex expert for Men's Health Magazine, said before her recent marriage partner that her best boyfriend ever was a short guy. He was something like 5-5. He had everything you'd want in a guy, including a killer body. Good lover as well. However, this guy's height was the CONSTANT source of commentary from her girlfriends, her mom and her dad. It just never ended, no matter how many times she asked them to stop, and no matter how many times she spelled out his great qualities. It got to be so bad that she finally had to break up with him. In the end, social safety mattered the most at her age. Instead of telling these people to "F" off, it's none of your business who I date, it was incredibly important what her girlfriends, especially, thought. 

That's really where this is coming from. Yes, there maybe some evolutionary psychology components, and the Disney films, romance novels and heartthrob celebs don't help either, but I really feel that "social safety" is the biggest factor in women having a bias against short guys on the dating circle.

I truly feel that beyond all this B.S. that people fall in love who they fall in love with. True love has no boundaries. If you removed the social safety component, I feel you would see more tall girls dating short guys, more interracial dating than ever, lots more equally sized couples, etc.

The GOOD thing is that as females age, they become less concerned with what OTHERS think about their partner. They're more independently minded. When you get to that age, you simply date the man that you love. You also just emotionally mature more....looks matter a little bit less, etc. You may not want kids or can't have them anymore. Bigger questions emerge. Women start thinking: "Is this the kind of man who would stand by me if I developed breast cancer?" "How emotionally supportive would he be if I lost my beloved mother?" 23 year old chicks from New York City who are living 3 to an apartment off of daddy's money don't care about these questions. To them, life is eternal.

Also, those NYC women are remarkably ignorant. They should realize how many more heterosexual single men there are compared to heterosexual single women in NYC. There are 3 single women for every single guy in Manhattan. According to most studies, 1/3 of NYC Manhattan single guys are gay, and a lot of other guys work all night and day and don't have time for a relationship or are already in relationships. A single woman in Manhattan cannot afford to be that choosy, which probably explains why the city is more amenable to casual hookups than real relationships. It's one of the reasons why I hate shows like "Sex In the City" and so on. NYC (specifically Manhattan) is unlike any city in the nation. It couldn't be anymore different than San Francisco, Omaha or Houston.

That being said, I would like to recognize that Mexican-American ladies and many other women of a Hispanic background seem to be less concerned about a man's height than women from other cultural backgrounds. It's probably because their Dad's tend to be short. The last two women I seriously dated were Latinas (I am white). Both of their parents in each case were shorter than 5-4. In fact, one woman's Dad was two inches shorter than his wife. Now both of these Latinas were first generation Americans, so they weren't totally immersed in a culture that told them that dating short guys was bad.

Anyway, I have more things I could talk about, including a big rant I have against sperm banks who don't seem to realize that 35% of all men are short, and that a percentage of them are infertile and would like to have a child with their spouse that resembles them and not some 6-2, blonde, North European stud...........

3 1,231
Mon May 29, 2017 08:49 AM
Asian woman calls man racist after being rude to him because of height

0 808
Sun May 28, 2017 08:53 AM
Wow @ this reddit post about being ditched on a date because of height

This is a post from reddit. I'll link it below the copied/pasted text from the post:

Random girl found me on FB...

I'm a musician and she claimed to be "super into music" so I took her to see Chevelle at the Upstate Concert Hall in Clifton Park NY.

Her first words to me after meeting in person were "Wow...I didn't think you were that short!"

(I'm 5'6", she's looked to be 5'3"-5'4")

So we hang out at the bar for the opening acts and it's clear to me that she's not interested by the way she's throwing back shots and blabbering on about how hot the bouncer was...

"Seriously...Did you see his muscles?!"

Me: Yea...He's a big guy...

"He's gotta be at least 6'4"!"

Me: Most likely...

"I would let him do whatever he wants to me!"

Me: Seems like the kinda guy who would end up raping someone.

"You can't rape the willing"

Chevelle goes on and she's into it, but tells me she's going to the bathroom and disappears...

Concert's over and she's nowhere to be found...

I'm texting her and she finally gets back to me..

"Hey...I met this other guy outside and he offered to let me stay at his house...You probably think I'm a real bitch but I can't settle for someone I know I can do better than...I'm sure you'll find someone eventually ;)"

That was 2014 and I haven't been on a date since

On a positive note, Chevelle put on an amazing show!

You literally can't make stuff like this up. The reddit post is here: here

1 994
Mon May 22, 2017 11:24 AM
Forever Single 31 Yr Old Fat Woman Demands Taller Men In TEDTalk Rant

3 1,491
Thu May 11, 2017 01:55 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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