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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Is heightism worse after high school?

I am curious about this because I always thought it was the worst in school and it got better but so many have dating problems. 

8 3,042
Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:02 PM
by Dez
Just food for thought...

The best thing to be in America right now is a black lesbian woman.

The worst thing to be in America right now is a short white gay man.

Go figure. Think it over. It is the truth.

7 2,238
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:47 AM
by Dale
My friend lost his job because of his height

Long story short, he was a stocker and driver. They said they let him go because of cut backs back in March, well today he went up there to drop of his friends keys (he left them at his house last night) and they had 3 new people there, all much taller than him. We both believe he was let go because of his height. Almost everyone (aside from a manager and a few women) that work there are over 5'10. Thoughts?

8 2,969
Sun Jul 12, 2015 04:26 PM
by Catman
Gay okay, but not short?

So everyone everywhere is supporting gay and lesbian couples. I am starting to see it in comercials even where there are gay or lesbian couples in ads. So why is something like this being forced under acceptance but a shorter man dating a taller woman is still okay to joke about and look at like it is wrong!? Last time I checked, a penis works the same way in the vagina of a 5'2 woman as it does a 5'10 woman. Gays/Lesbians can't say their equipment works the same in their relationships. I am not trying to offend anyone but I think it is bullshit. 

8 3,461
Fri Jul 10, 2015 07:27 PM
by Bonez
Stumped a girl in my anthropology class

A girl in my anthropology class was talking about how all dictators in history were short and how they are generally unfit leaders. She even made some sick jokes about how short guys should be phased out. The convo went like this:


Girl: Short guys overcompensate too much that's why all dictators are short
Me: What about Saddam Hussein, he was 6'3
Girl: Well that's modern times. When is the last time you've seen a short AMERICAN leader who has done anything good for humanity
Me: Martin Luther King Jr was only 5'6
Girl: Eww. No he wasn't. He was like super tall. All great leaders are tall
Me: Pulls out this picture on my laptop
Girl: Quiet for 30 seconds...w..w...well, people were shorter back then anyway, so he couldn't be that short... No way....


7 3,853
Thu Jun 25, 2015 07:37 AM
This woman hates really short men.


This woman thinks that guys shorter than 5'8 have no business approaching her. 

6 2,858
Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:18 PM
by Spider
How does this make you feel?

there are more muscle/meat heads that acct this way than shorter men. This is just one of those comments that makes me shake my head because of the immaturity. 

7 2,490
Fri Jun 05, 2015 09:13 PM
by Catman
Started by GoKnicks
FA vs SA

What are your thoughts on the whole Fat Acceptance movement and how can we use what they did to make people less harsh and discriminating towards ups shorter men/women? (Short Acceptance)

"No, the major strength that "Fat Acceptance" (FA) has over "Short Acceptance?" (SA) is that FA has directly questioned and rejected the value judgment associated with their stigma. That is, being fat has been thought of as a bad thing since the start of the modern era at least. But this was never an issue because everyone agreed that being fat was ugly, unhealthy, and undesired. It didn't become an issue until someone stood up and rejected the social convention. Until someone actually rejected that idea and said "fat is not ugly - it's beautiful; fat is not unhealthy - one can be healthy at any size; and fat is not undesirable - we are proud to be fat." Once that happened, there was a fucking problem. Now there is a social issue at contention and the FA movement was born."

I read this on reddit. To read the whole thing, go here : http://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/37qwsa/what_the_fat_acceptance_movement_did_right/

7 2,149
Fri Jun 05, 2015 09:10 PM
by Catman
Verizon Ad Is Offensive

5 2,452
Fri Jun 05, 2015 08:45 PM
Have you ever saw anyone about your heightism?


Originally posted by Jinx

I did when I was younger but it wasn't jsut for my height issues. I was just not a happy teen. Height or not, I don't think it would have made a huge difference. 

I know people of both sexes of all different heights and sizes that seak help because it is too much.  

13 4,857
Sun May 31, 2015 02:51 PM
by Dez
These pissed me off



Take a look. This guy was retweeting to show how ignorant and childish people really are. Most are women. I am sorry but most women are more shallow than men. 

4 1,891
Wed May 20, 2015 12:38 AM
by Dale
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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