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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Do Men Really Have Privilege? (Video)

1 988
Tue Jan 24, 2017 09:42 PM
Anyone salty when they hear women talk about "body acceptance"?

There is an awesome article where Radio Host Mumia Obsidian Ali talks about this very topic. He examines People Magazine's Sexiest Man going all the way back to 1985 and found that with the exception of one person (Tom Cruise), every man was 5'10-6'2, white and ripped (Denzel Washington was the only Non-White).


3 1,052
Tue Dec 13, 2016 01:06 PM
Do short guys really have inferiority complexes? I don't...

Why do people insist that short guys are somehow always "angry"? Most short people I know are more friendly and easy going where as a lot of the taller people I've known were usually the bully type (especially if I just happened to do something better than they have). 

Is it a defense mechanism to boost their own confidence by labelling short guys as having inferiority complexes?

0 1,084
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:44 AM
What's up with women thinking taller height = better protection?

Ever see Floyd Mayweather, Miguel Cotto or Manny Pacquiao? These guys are at the top of their game and win most fights. In fact, the current day boxers with the best records are all small. I get that taller people weigh more which can be a big advantage, but most people aren't skilled fighters. Taller does not equal better or more protection. I've seen an equal number of scary looking short guys and tall guys. In fact, this one 5'6 guy who is buffed works as a bouncer at a local club.

0 1,092
Thu Aug 11, 2016 03:44 PM
A post from BBForums

"I was out shopping today, and I saw one of the saddest things ever. There was a short guy with his girlfriend, they were both approximately 5"6" inches tall. The guy was perfectly good looking, he was 'handsome' in every way, he looked like a young Pierce Brosnan, but he was just quite short. He was the kind of guy you would expect to see with a goodlooking girlfriend, but this was not the case. His girlfriend was butt ugly. I don't even mean just bad looking, she was repulsive to look at. She was at least 300lbs of pure lard. I felt sick just looking at her.
I felt really sorry for the guy because he has been screwed over by genetics, and because of this he has to settle for someone far less attractive than him. He got everything else right in terms of looks, but it seemed like his height had pushed him way down into the bottom league."

What are your thoughts on this?

7 1,548
Mon Nov 09, 2015 05:21 AM
Why do some women think muscles = masculine?

I was talking with a stranger while shopping yesterday. We got on the subject of men's bodies because I was picking stuck out for my boyfriend. She kept commenting that she can only be with masculine men... I stopped her and asked, what do you mean? She said "You know, big muscles, abs, tall, and fit". Since when are only tall muscle heads masculine!? 

8 1,630
Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:33 PM
When did your height first bother you?

I was thinking about it and I think mine started bugging me in 5th grade when I noticed girls who were taller than me and still considered "short". I basically peeked in 7th grade and never got any taller.

3 1,507
Thu Sep 03, 2015 04:10 PM
What makes a man.. Manly?

I am curious to see what you all, as men, say. My boyfriend and I were talking about this the other day and he said a lot of people who say "tall" and muscular as two traits.

3 1,294
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:55 PM

My boyfriend is a bit, well, self conscious about his stretchmarks. He feels like because of his height, he shouldn't have as many as he does. I nver gave it much thought but do shorter guys have less because they don't grow as much? (I hope this category is right! lol)

5 1,377
Tue Aug 04, 2015 02:30 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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