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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
AlphaM says being short is scientifically better. Truth or cope?

First reason is AlphaM gives is that "being short makes it faster to pack on muscle". Second is "looking younger longer". Is he being genuine or is this a cope video? I like AlphaM, but this reaction video is pretty solid. 

2 310
Sun Jun 09, 2024 04:01 PM
This 5'7 guy has it down to a science.

He's basically saying "Man Up" and to pick your battles. I mostly agree with him. You have to know your lane and max it out. Positive talk. 

3 331
Thu Jun 06, 2024 08:05 PM
Yes, height can trump looks and vice-versa.

The indisputable truth is that you can't have more than one struggle. If you're tall, you get away with not being attractive in the face. If you're a shorter guy, then the other positive features have to be amplified. The guy's response to the OP here is absolutely believable.

I saw this all throughout college and in my adult social life. Tall ogres can pull and the shorty has to be the playboy type in style and looks. 

1 272
Sun May 05, 2024 12:21 PM
"Only short guys with bad attitudes get made fun of"

This makes it seem like being short is inherently flawed, so that if a man who happens to be short is on his "best behavior", then he deserves to be called out for his lack of height. Make this make sense. I've never seen a tall man with an attitude get called out for his excess height.

3 1,107
Fri Oct 01, 2021 04:18 AM
Has it really come down to this? (Short Kings vs Pocket Princes)

0 3,228
Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:51 PM
They will hate you if you're a successful short stunner

So as you know, I own two successful businesses and work a full time job. I am not married nor do I have kids. I currently have a really fly girlfriend and most of the women I've dated are considered by most to be well above average in attractiveness. I am not writing this post to brag, I'm doing this to discuss a phenomenon.

See, us short guys are "supposed" to be at the bottom of the barrel. I've noticed that women who aren't considered very attractive, play up their standards to only include very attractive men, above average in all areas. I am okay with this, but not so much with these women's incessant needs to put down men who don't "meet" their standards. I don't get mad, I just shrug it off and laugh. I'll tell you why

I work with a woman who is overweight, wears hair extensions and a lot of makeup. She is not particularly attractive and has a very nasty and sometime-ish attitude. We got along okay, until she saw me with my girlfriend. After that, it was nothing but non stop back-handed comments and remarks about my height. I would respond "but I am successful, my girlfriend is fly and I make great money, so who cares?". 

Her remarks eventually turned into frustrating grunts and dirty looks. This was over a period over a few weeks. I'll tell you why...

It frustrates some people to no end to see a short successful confident man. It is like body armor. It will piss off your "haters". I know the word "hater" is overdone, but it will frustrate others who perceive you to be of lower status actually be higher on the totem pole than them of higher than they wish for you to be.

Keep on grinding fellow short guys! We're going to make it!


0 1,144
Mon Oct 08, 2018 09:23 PM
Need some clarity on "overcompensation"?

You guys have to remember this is subjective. For example, many people respect Putin, but others label him with a complex. Who's right or wrong? For some, the moment a short man is not a doormat, they will say he has a chip on his shoulder. Ultimately you'll have to play this by ear and weigh your options, then do what you want.

3 1,618
Sun Feb 11, 2018 07:54 AM
Bruce Lee was 5'6!

One of the greatest martial artists to ever walk the face of this earth. Just wanted to point that out. 

3 3,993
Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:18 PM
"Being short makes men more violent"

From an article entitled: "How Rejection Turns Men Violent".

This recent piece published in Vice, suggest that being short leads to being a violent person due to rejection.

1 1,080
Mon Dec 11, 2017 01:14 PM
Any of you defeat depression?

I believe this is a great place to get support from other short men who have become comfortable with themselves or were always confident. Were any of you depressed over your height or how you were treated because of it? How did you get over it?

2 1,074
Mon Oct 30, 2017 05:54 PM
What are "manlets" supposed to "learn"?

I keep seeing this comment on youtube and on forums all over the internet. What are we supposed to learn exactly?

I get that Manlets are apparently men under 5'8?

3 2,154
Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:34 PM
Why do so many women believe short men can't have big hoo-has?

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was banging out some thick chick who was about the same height as me (5'6) and she kept on moaning and screaming intensely loud. She made this big deal about how huge I was down there. I never thought I was huge, maybe average. 

As a teen I was always confident. My height never bothered me until I graduated high school and came to realize that height matters so much to other people. I couldn't get through a night out at a bar or club without some woman insulting me or joking about my height. Even some guys would clown me from time to time. I will admit it really messed with my self esteem. Once you realize how big of a deal it is to so many, you start questioning a lot of things about yourself. But then there was this one encounter I had.

I really thought she was gassing me up until I took it upon myself to look up some forums about dick size. There were all of these tall guys on these forums crying about how their members were 4 inches and 5 inches. I knew I was larger than that but wanted to confirm for an exact measurement. 8 inches I am, 8 inches!

The woman I banged, her best friend would flirt with me in ways she never did prior to me banging her friend out. You know what this meant right? Yes, she told her friend. I didn't bring this up, but it made me realize that where god didn't bless me in one area, he abundantly blessed me in another. 

I've been with about 30 women since that encounter. I gotta say, not every woman will take kind to my approach, but the ones I get, they are always surprised! I asked this question on the thread, but the truth is I don't care about the answer. Short guys who feel like they got a raw deal in life, kiss the ground every day if you're a part of the big meat elite. The women I've banged want to stay attached and end up wanting me to commit. It reminds me of an Eddie Murphy stand up where he says "I've figured women out, if you make them go woo-woo, you have them"!


TL:DR - We may have gotten the short end of the stick height wise, but having a big hoo-ha is a rare and beautiful thing! A lot of tall men aren't well endowed!!!

1 1,334
Sun Jun 18, 2017 03:27 PM
by ant675
Would you have married him if he was your height?

0 1,028
Sat Jun 17, 2017 07:33 PM
Anyone here short and a minorty? (black, latino, asian, indian, etc)

Not trying to sound racist or anything, but thank god I am not white. As a Latino, people almost expect me to be short and I see less people in my racial category being made fun of, taken less seriously or bullied because of their height. In the media, movies, television, white men are always portrayed as being 6'3, chiseled with a square jaw and muscles. Latinos (and Asians also) are almost always short or shorter than that magical 6' mark. 

Here in NY, I see white and black guys my height getting the piss knocked out of them by women and men alike. Me? They leave me alone and let me stay on chill mode. Women rarely bash me for my height and usually embrace me. That does change for men who are like 5'3 and below, but being 5'4-5'6 as a Latino is no big deal.

0 827
Thu Jun 15, 2017 08:45 AM
What are some things women compliment you on?

We all know how women generally feel about height, but for all of us short guys who do well with women or get dates at all, what are some things women compliment you for?

The women I've dated always said they loved my eyes, physique, charisma and talents (I play guitar and sing). Height is a deal-breaker for some but there are other things about us which are dealmakers


2 994
Sun Apr 09, 2017 09:14 PM
Anyone here Short and Black?

How do you think your experiences differ from that of white dudes?

2 1,204
Sat Apr 01, 2017 01:58 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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