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Aaron Clarey tells short guys they shouldn't date. Do you agree?
Before anyone gets triggered. It's worth a listen. I agree with his overall premise. You'd have to watch the video to understand it. |
2 | 368 | by ahimsa42 |
No way he'd get this amount of swooning if he weren't 6'6 and not...
Just from a simple chiropractor video and the ladies are fainting in the comments. |
1 | 208 | by ahimsa42 |
6'8 guy does a video "10 Things I Hate About Being Tall"
I'm cool with most points like about neck pain, but you already know that most of this video is humble bragging. "People always think I'm a basketball player". Yeah, okay buddy, such a horrible thing. |
2 | 147 | by ahimsa42 |
6'4 homeless drug addict picks up women daily.
Not saying it's because he's tall, but if anyone says that his height isn't a major factor in his success despite his condition, they must have their heads knee deep in the sand. |
1 | 156 | by TheMog |
Started by TheWay
Blind ranking men shortest to tallest.
The only thing shocking about this video is how salty the taller men were when their heights were underestimated. |
1 | 155 | by KeenObserver |
She's 3 ft tall, but her boyfriend must be 6 feet or taller.
Thought you'd all get a kick out of this one. 😂 |
4 | 228 | by stumpyBump |
"Short Kings deserve a shot" - Brett Cooper
Goes in a discusses why shorter men should not be overlooked. Overall a sincere video. A+. 👍 |
2 | 250 | by ahimsa42 |
Brutal - Man does blind dating - 6 women by height
They all treated him like a baby. 🤦 |
1 | 265 | by TheDestroyer |
Women roundtable. Most say they would date shorter men... with a catch
Many of them claim they would date a man shorter than them in the beginning, but not surprisingly raise the bar when they discuss heels and feeling as if they'd be the more dominant one in the relationship. The video is a bit of a waste. By the end, they all concede that they'd rather date average to tall. |
2 | 197 | by TheCoolGuy |
"Body shaming men is normal, but nobody cares" - Fil Gelabert
Honest take on the six foot obsession. |
0 | 176 | by joshbaskins |
King Richez talks to woman about her not wanting to date short guys
The usual talk about "heels", "confidence" but buckles when asked if a confident 5'4 man approaches her. King Richez is awesome. 🙄 |
1 | 194 | by jacksplat |
Started by RhettPaul
Women lie about dating short men
From the "Whatever" podcast. She was respectful about it no doubt. |
0 | 93 | by RhettPaul |
Guy gets destroyed by his dream girl. Take a guess why.
The comments are nothing less than supportive though which is a nice surprise. 🏆 |
0 | 317 | by RhettPaul |
"Just how tall are you now?" - Charles Bronson asks after fight.
0 | 210 | by ShortyDooWop |
Started by OverTheEdge
A reflection on Kent from Kent TV
Kent was really going through it in this video. I hope he is seeing better days here in the present. Confidence usually comes from past successes, but some of us have to fake it until we make it. |
2 | 279 | by thepostman |
Tall woman and short man compare dating struggles
You can see the pain in the man's eyes here. Not to be dismissive of the woman's "struggles" here, but as it is most of the time, she invents her struggles. She has no shortage of suitors, they're just not the ones she wants. |
2 | 207 | by jaguar1010 |