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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
0 1,393
Mon Jun 30, 2014 06:40 PM
Who here is thinking of getting LL

I'm serious. I've been reading the MMT forums and all of these people have these elaborate schemes about how they plan on saving up for the surgery, about which doctors they are choosing and I never knew that the amount of people who want the surgery is so huge!




1. Where are you getting it?

2. When are you getting it?

3. How are you saving up for it?

4. Why do you want to be taller?

4 2,846
Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:30 AM
Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?

I keep seeing this term on a buch of other forums and wonder if anyone is truly incel. Why are you incel? Have you tired to break out of it? Give us your reasons. What does an incel person do wrong that causes him to be incel?

5 2,459
Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:28 AM
Why do people tell short men to have confidence?

Why is it that everyone's advice to short guys who struggle with dating is to "have confidence". Heightism plays an intergral role into a lot of decision making when it comes to dating preferences. I'm not saying that women who don't date short men are heighist, but you wouldn't tell an Asian or Black guy to "have confidence" if they were rejected by women of other races.


A short man could be confident in every area, but still be told to "have confidence" when being rejected repeatedly for his height. Confidence in this case won't mean a thing because a decision has already been made about his SMV.  

0 1,503
Sat Jun 28, 2014 09:55 PM
Born In The Wrong Century

The following picture was posted in Geoffrey Arnold's TheSocialComplex blog on Tumblr as well as on r/short in Reddit. It features a Plus Size woman and Short Guy admiring art which glorifies their person, As plus sized women were pedestalized in the Victorian era and Napoleon is (still) considered larger than life, they gaze into times where their person would've been the ideal. The piece is called "Wrong Century".



6 2,427
Sat Jun 28, 2014 07:05 PM
Has college changed your personality for the worse or the better?

I was thinking about how much college corrupted me and wanted to know how or if college changed any of you.


Pre-University: I was extremely boring. Introverted. Played video games until 2 a.m.. Studied and have very few friends.


Post-University: I was having lots of casual encounters, drank and did lots of controlled substances, partied until the wee hours of the morning twice or three times a week, had multiple girlfriends, but still managed to crank a 3.8GPA. It's not a 4.0, but it was still good.


I'm very social now and owe it to college. How about any of you?

2 2,371
Sat Jun 28, 2014 03:54 PM
How do you deal with being called a midget?

At work today the subject of marriage came up. I am still a Bachelor. Woman asks why. I respond "I'm not ready to get married yet". She responds, "Don't you want to get married so you can have midget babies?". Thinking to myself does this woman realize she was being really offensive?

6 2,438
Fri Jun 27, 2014 09:41 PM
When did you find out you were short?

I was always small through elementary and middle school, but it didn't really hit me that I was short until after I graduated college and went into the real world. While I was small, I never thought of being short as having that much of an impact on my life. When I got into the dating market and started applying for employment, I notice that I always received apprehension, unease or lack of interest as a first impression with people. A few years of that and I put two and two together.


While I have prevailed, it took me until my mid 20s to understand that I was "short" and what it meant. How about all of you?

0 2,086
Thu Jun 26, 2014 01:13 AM
Shortest soccer players in the world cup

It seems like the soccer players are getting taller in countries with small populations. Guillermo Ochoa from Mexico is 6'. Who are some of the best soccer players who are short. Aren't most soccer players short?

2 2,421
Thu Jun 26, 2014 01:09 AM
Woman takes Heightism mainstream on her YouTube channel

The How Stuff Works (Stuff Mom Never Told You) YouTube channel with over 62K Subscribers does a 5 min video on Heightism from a Non-Comedic, academically backed position. This is a slam dunk guys :)


1 1,505
Thu Jun 26, 2014 01:06 AM
How high are the shelves in your home?

I recently invested in a condominum in Brooklyn, NYC. The seller was a tall gentleman who showed me around prior to sale. I would say he was about 6'4. He installed some shelves and they were all very high, maybe at his eye level. Obviously, I feel uncomfortable with shelves being so high in my new apartment. I plan on removing the shelves, but replacing them much lower. I love his choice of shelves, they're just too high.


For those of you who install your own shelves and are short, how high do you have them in your home?

0 2,921
Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:44 AM
Tall guys more insecure than short guys?


There is a lot of truth in this video. I notice a lot of taller men go out of their way to bash short guys. Could it be because many of them are insecure in general and only have being tall to hang on to?


0 1,414
Wed Jun 25, 2014 05:59 PM
Why doesn't HeightG post here anymore?

Where is he hiding? He was posting here a lot in the first month and then disappeared. Did he retire?

0 1,475
Tue Jun 24, 2014 05:50 PM
Doctors turn wood into bone

This is from a few years ago that may have some impact on height increase

New Artificial Bone Made of Wood

6 7,397
Tue Jun 24, 2014 08:06 AM
Josh Hutcherson has to be way shorter than 5'7

Look at this video that someone posted over in r/short. Kevin Hart is playing basketball with Josh Hutcherson. They're both wearing sneakers and Hutcherson doesn't look much bigger than Hart. The difference in height is miniscule and I mean that with no exaggeration. Do you think he overstates his height?


3 2,385
Tue Jun 24, 2014 08:04 AM
fat girls and short guys

Why is it that when I go to a club fat women gravitate toward me? I am not attracted to fatties at all, but for some reason they assume I will entetain their advances and then get mad when I don't take a liking to them.


I mean no disrepsect, but just because I am short does not mean that I am desperate. I notice this in every club I go to. The fat girls will ignore the tall guys (or maybe they are getting ignored?) and then come to me as a last resort (at least that is how it feels). 


Come 12-1 a.m. they are all over me like maggots on rotten meat. 

5 3,560
Tue Jun 24, 2014 07:21 AM
Height discrimination in China

JIANG TAO, who is below the average height for a Chinese man, has brought a case against a branch of China's central bank for discriminating against job applicants who are on the short side. If he succeeds, which he may well not, the case will strike a blow for the smaller citizen. But its potential ramifications go much further.


Mr Jiang is the first person to persuade a district court in China to consider if a citizen's constitutional rights have been infringed by a government institution. In his lawsuit he accuses the bank of breaching Article 33 of the constitution, which says that all citizens are equal before the law. His lawyer, Zhou Wei, says the lawsuit is significant because it opens up the way for citizens actually to make use of their constitutional rights.


Such height requirements are common in China. Shanghai's East China University of Politics and Law says that male students must be at least 1.70 metres in height and females 1.60 metres. Since these heights are about the same as the national average for university students from urban areas, and students from rural areas tend to be a bit smaller, roughly half the age-group is automatically ineligible.


This was taken from an article in the Economist. You can find it here


They ended up abolishing these requirements in 2005, but I wonder how often it does on behind the scenes. It makes me think a lot about Height Discrimination works here. How can we be sure we're not being discrimated against because of Height in Employment?

The only height discrimination cases I've ever seen in the U.S. were filed by women.


Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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