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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Taylor Swift Red Cardigan Sweater is good not not??

Hey there guys i hope you all are doing great today i am new here and looking for some can anyone tells me that Taylor Swift red cardigan worth buying this year in winter or not??


0 1,577
Tue Nov 29, 2022 06:14 AM
Length Of Clothing


I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but hoodies and jumper length has seemed to have gotten longer in the last couple of years, some hoodies and jumpers I have bought seen to be the length or close to the length of when longline hoodies/jumpers used to be even though they are described as basic fit, has anybody else notice hoodies/jumpers length has gotten longer!


I'm 5'7, does any body else noticed this?

2 1,684
Thu Feb 20, 2020 09:53 AM
Started by admin12
Short And Fat

Hi Everyone. It's worth mentioning this new clothing retailer for Short Men. They have a kickstarter page and are trying to get on Shark Tank. 

"Helping Vertically Challenged and Horizontally Blessed Men Live Confident Lives"


0 1,372
Sun Mar 03, 2019 05:52 PM
by admin12
Store for "not so tall" guys opens in NYC

New York Times

Steven Kurutz April 3, 2017

Short men need fashion love, too. The big and tall have their own specialty clothing stores, as do the plus-size, while guys the size of Daniel Radcliffe (5-foot-5), Tom Cruise (5-7) or Bruno Mars (also 5-7) may find themselves pawing through the offerings in the boys’ department.

But in March, the men’s wear brand Peter Manning, which designs for guys 5-8 and under, expanded its online business and opened a store in Manhattan. Located on the third floor of a building in the Flatiron district, the shop has a discreet presence at street level, as if to acknowledge the mild embarrassment its customers may experience on their way in and out.

Rest of the article is here

1 1,659
Sat May 27, 2017 03:29 PM
Where do you guys buy your coats?

Whenever I go to the big box retailers, I can find coats my size, but either the chest space is way too big, or the sleeves way too long. I prefer bubble coats, or coats with fur hoodies (think Canada Goose). I'm 5'6. Where do you guys get your coats?

0 1,641
Mon Jan 09, 2017 05:43 PM
Trouble fining S and XS clothing?

Since I lost some weight, I can fit in to a small and in some cases, an extra small. I am a very slim dude. I have such a hard time finding clothing in this sizing that I usually end up buying mediums which I swim in. I am not talking day to day brands, but higher end ones. It is like they only make a limited amount in the smaller sizes. Anyone else have trouble with their sizes?

9 1,956
Thu Jun 16, 2016 08:36 AM
Sweatpants.... WHY!?

No matter what brand I buy, they just sag and drag on me. I either have to have my sister adjust them at the bottom or wear them long. I don't even wear them outside the house because I have worn out and ruined so many pairs because of them dragging under my shoes. Anyone know a brand that makes them shorter? 

7 1,715
Tue Jan 19, 2016 01:03 PM
by Hunter
Looking for a jacket brand

Anyone know a good brand for jackets that don't get to long? The one I have now is on the longer side and I prefer my jackets to hit right at my buckle so my shirts are slightly longer. 

4 1,973
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:05 PM
by Larry
Started by Bonez
Gap Jeans

I got a few pairs the other day and must say they fit well. They go down to a 28 inch inseam so they are great for us shorter men. You ever try some on or own any gap gear?

5 1,859
Wed Sep 02, 2015 08:39 PM
A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys

"Peter Manning is 5'8'' — only two inches shorter than the average American man.

And yet he found it almost impossible to find clothes that fit well without having to pay what he calls a "tailor tax" — the hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars short men spend having their clothing remade to flatter their bodies.

"I happened to run into a few major retailers at a party years back," the Tony Award-winning producer-turned-designer told Business Insider. "And I told them, 'I go into your stores and I can't really buy anything, what do you suggest I do?' And they both told me to get my clothes tailored, and I was like, 'That's not a good enough answer for 25% of American men!'""

This is from late 2013. I had no idea!! Here is his shop : http://www.petermanningnyc.com/

2 1,624
Mon Aug 31, 2015 02:27 PM
Started by Hunter
Apt 9

I have been looking into this brand lately. A friend gave me some old clothes and quite a few shirts were this brand and they fit amazingly well on me and I am only 5'4. Nothing is super long and it feels well fitted to my size. Check them out guys. 

2 1,622
Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:30 PM
What is the best brand for shorter men?

Most brands now a days offer something called "slim fit" which is tighter and shorter. Like a slim fit large is in between a medium and a large.

3 2,037
Sat Aug 08, 2015 06:11 PM
by Jinx
My bf recommends this place



For the Fit is a place that is meant to find the perfect fit for your shape and height. He got some clothes from them and loved them so I thought I would share. 

5 2,437
Tue Aug 04, 2015 01:02 PM
Style & Life Advice For Short Guys



He said 5'9 is considered tall but I consider 5'9 the average. Above that is tall, below that is short so I get what he means. 

10 5,395
Sun May 17, 2015 11:17 PM
by Mouse
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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