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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 220
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:00 PM
Big woman says she needs her man to be a foot taller

At 5'4, she says she needs her man to be at least 6'4 for her to find some attraction.

You can see the full Instagram video here

1 143
Wed Jun 19, 2024 04:18 PM
Black women and the short men who won't leave them alone

This article condemns colorism, but promotes heightism. Go figure.

I'm assuming if Tory Lanes was 6'4, it'd be because of his height too right? 

You can find this AMP article here

1 114
Wed Jun 19, 2024 04:16 PM
Media consumption does affect height concern for men and women.

Media consumption and stature surveillance can lead to stature concern according to Chinese study.

You can read the Frontiers In Psychology article here

1 262
Wed Jun 19, 2024 04:12 PM
Austin Dunham sets dating profile to 5'6, says "height doesn't matter"

What he doesn't mention is that he sets his height down to 5'6 on an existing dating profile. Never mind that he is not what women would consider to be average in looks.

This "experiment" wouldn't be hooey if he created a brand new profile, set it to 5'6 and then started swiping. 

14 519
Wed Jun 19, 2024 03:53 PM
Can money "save" a short guy?

I'm in college and dating is okay, but I've read how tough it is for us guys when we get into the "real world". You always hear a lot of people say that "yeah, but if you're rich, you'll be okay". Or they will point out celebrities and say, "see X CELEBRITY gets all of the ladies and respect".

Now, I am not trying to attract gold diggers, so my goal is NOT to get money TO attract women in droves. I'm more curious about how this work. I can't imagine an old balding guy who is foaming at the mouth holding the latest iPhone having a woman say. "OMG, that guy over there has an iPhone 10, I'm totally going to dump that guy and get with that old balding guy over there".

Is it more about going fancy places and going on vacations? Wouldn't that look like you're trying to "compensate".

Even though I'm in college, in my social circle, I'm considered the "wealthiest" because of the gig work I do on the side (I do SEO and word press design). I don't broadcast this though. I wear regular clothes and drive an average car, but so do many of the athletes on campus and they swim in female attention.

You mean to tell me if I wear a suit and tie everywhere or dress in expensive clothes, I'll get way more female attention that I do now? 

0 111
Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:06 PM
Shorter Referees More Likely To Penalize Taller Soccer Players

German study (translated) states that shorter referees are more likely to call foul and issue yellow cards to taller players after reviewing plays from over 2,000 games.

The study from Tagesschau which has not yet been peer reviewed can be found here

1 113
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:38 AM
She drove 3 hours to see him after Pop The Balloon. Guess why?

Him being 6'5 wouldn't have anything to do with it I suppose...

1 92
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:37 AM
Strong inverse association between male height and suicide

A 2005 Swedish study followed a large cohort of men from age 18-49 and noticed a 9% decrease in suicide risk for every 5cm (2 inch) increment in height. 

You can find the American Journal Of Pyschiatry article here

1 109
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:10 AM
Black women angry at Hinge say changing race gives better options

I don't know where to begin on this. This is no shade at Black Women, but we all know the reality of the dating hierarchy. This complaint to me falls on deaf ears. Of course if you change your race you will get more options. If I changed my height to 6'4, yes, I'll attract super models, women in high earning professions and the whole nine.

My response to this is no spit Sherlock... 

0 70
Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:01 AM
"You're Not Tall Are You?". 5'8 Humphrey Bogart, 1946 Movie


Line from the 1946 Movie, "The Big Sleep". Humphrey Bogart was 5'8 and notorious for wearing lifts and platforms in movies as he played leading roles often. 

1 92
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:55 AM
Online dating be like...

5'11 (180cm) seems to be that cutoff 🙄.

2 147
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:42 AM
The bald short king who left America for a better life.

This guy here discusses how easier life is in terms of cost of living and dating after moving to the Philippines.

You can find his Instagram video here

1 93
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:41 AM
Feminists who believe in there being superior male genetics.

There is such a thing as as staunch feminists who are extreme heightists. 

1 111
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:39 AM
Women's self perceived attractiveness drives height preference

Study reports that women who perceive themselves to be very attractive (either through self-assessment, or via feedback from men in real life or online) have a stronger preference for taller men.

You can find the Psypost study here

1 124
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:36 AM
Graham Stephan and Bobby Lee reflect on dating taller women

Two 5'4 guys discussing why they always end up dating taller women. I had no idea that Graham Stephan was 5'4. I knew he was short, but I always figured he was around 5'6, 5'7 or so. 

0 95
Wed Jun 19, 2024 06:39 AM
She is 5'3 and has a problem with her boyfriend being the same height

She's 5'3, but he can't be 5'3, even though they've both been 5'3 since the first date. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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