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The best thing that never happened (i.e. Tall men get rejected also!)
This is just a great story where Richard Cooper (presenter) talks about how he was rejected from a life dream because of his height and had to move onto other things. A great message overall. Worth the listen.
You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.
The fact that there hasn't been a new post on here in month proves this point... the plight of the short-stature man falls on deaf ears. I had a stature lengthening consult a while ago. It was pretty awesome. The bottom line is this, you can't help being born a short guy, there's nothing you can really do about that. REMAINING short, however, IS a choice. With advances in limb lengthening, you can be back on your feet within a few days, walking unassisted within a couple of weeks, and recovered fully within months. Some people will tell you that you're crazy to spend that kind of money on that. You'll hear, "You can buy a fancy sports car, a house, a boat, etc, with that kind of money." But you know'll still be the SHORT GUY with the fancy car, a nice house, or a boat. No matter what, the stigma follows. And yes, some articles on this site will say to focus on your health, personality, career, etc. But that will still leave you in the short category regardless. It is much easier to have a procedure done and escape the stigma than it is to change the collective mind of society...because that will simply never happen. Let's hear some thoughts on this.
Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
For those who say you can't grow taller at age 35, that it's impossible this and that. Guess what's good news? Yes you can.
And I already saved up some money to do it in 2 years. Going for 3 inches first. If I like it, then 2 more inches.
What after that? I'll be 5'9" or 5'11". What is the deep point? Go after your dreams if you want it badly. Pain is temporary, height is forever.
What is a permanent way to grow taller for those who have the resources?
Height surgery read the hospitals where they do it safely and read the diaries.
What's stopping you? Fear. What's not stopping me? You live once and have the resources and the only thing you should fear is the Lord not pain or a 0.5% chance of having a problem.
Where do they do this safely? In many places in the US
What is the cost to do it safely? $60,000 here in North Hollywood, $80k or so in Florida and few places in Baltimore, MD
How much can you lengthen safely? 4-5 inches in 2 pair of bones. Or juts 3 inches in one shot.
How does this sound? Fear only the Lord, not the money, not the pain. Height surgery is improving, not perfecting yourself.
Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
I am a part time bartender here in a college town and overheard a dad ask his daughter (who was sitting down) how tall the guy she likes is. The daughter responded "taller than me, but not by that much" to which the father said "He better be haha. I hope so!".
What a crappy moment. Why do questions like this even come up? How about "what is his major"?, What are his interests"? No, it's "how tall is he".
One one hand it's a little depressing, but on the other hand relieving. I watch these gray hairs coming in and see all of the people I grew up with starting families, many of their kids pre-teens and some full grown. I am fortunate. I have been successful career wise, but do know that my height played a huge part in my struggles in dating and advancing in my field through my 20s and 30s.
On the other hand, the divorces and related financial hits that my friends have experienced I have been protected from, all because women don't find me attractive enough to want to partner with.
Fran Lebowitz said Bloomberg is rich and horrible because he is short
Quote From Article:
"I think it's very important that we don't ever have a mayor this rich or this short. The richness comes from the shortness, this is what I believe. I believe every single person suffers for what happens to boys on playgrounds. So I really believe that a short boy gets bullied by taller boys, or ignored by them, or doesn't have the same status as they do, they grow up, they get very rich, to kind of get back at these tall boys, and then everyone suffers for this. I like de Blasio for many reasons, but his height is very important."
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