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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 1,016
Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:11 PM
White House whistleblower humiliated because of height and sues

1 1,075
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:50 PM
Women on dating apps are height supremicists

1 1,201
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:43 PM
Wait for it... Tinder is about to introduce "Height Verification"

1 1,433
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:40 PM
You dated a man who was 5'4?.. Disgusting (GQ Video)

Watch as two women discuss what they really think about men's bodies

4 2,666
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:35 PM
Me (5'3") and my date (5'10") to semi-formal!

7 1,866
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:14 PM
Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is

I am a part time bartender here in a college town and overheard a dad ask his daughter (who was sitting down) how tall the guy she likes is. The daughter responded "taller than me, but not by that much" to which the father said "He better be haha. I hope so!". 

What a crappy moment. Why do questions like this even come up? How about "what is his major"?, What are his interests"? No, it's "how tall is he".

0 840
Fri Mar 29, 2019 04:43 AM
Hilarious - Woman complains about men not choosing her

0 1,213
Sun Mar 03, 2019 05:52 PM
Short And Fat

Hi Everyone. It's worth mentioning this new clothing retailer for Short Men. They have a kickstarter page and are trying to get on Shark Tank. 

"Helping Vertically Challenged and Horizontally Blessed Men Live Confident Lives"


6 1,291
Sat Feb 09, 2019 04:19 AM
Is this heightism? You'll know the part.



10 3,791
Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:58 PM
Just turned 40. This is it.

One one hand it's a little depressing, but on the other hand relieving. I watch these gray hairs coming in and see all of the people I grew up with starting families, many of their kids pre-teens and some full grown. I am fortunate. I have been successful career wise, but do know that my height played a huge part in my struggles in dating and advancing in my field through my 20s and 30s.

On the other hand, the divorces and related financial hits that my friends have experienced I have been protected from, all because women don't find me attractive enough to want to partner with.

0 1,197
Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:36 PM
How ‘GMA’ hides George Stephanopoulos’ ‘little-boyish mini-legs’

Article Here: How GMA Hides George Stephanopoulos' Little-Boysih Mini Legs 

Disgusting piece of filth of an article, but thought I'd share it here. 

0 939
Sat Jan 19, 2019 01:44 PM
Fran Lebowitz said Bloomberg is rich and horrible because he is short

Quote From Article:


"I think it's very important that we don't ever have a mayor this rich or this short. The richness comes from the shortness, this is what I believe. I believe every single person suffers for what happens to boys on playgrounds. So I really believe that a short boy gets bullied by taller boys, or ignored by them, or doesn't have the same status as they do, they grow up, they get very rich, to kind of get back at these tall boys, and then everyone suffers for this. I like de Blasio for many reasons, but his height is very important."


Original Article Here: The Gothamist | Watch Fran Lebowitz Psychoanalyze Mayor Bloomberg's "Shortness"

0 1,231
Wed Jan 09, 2019 06:05 PM
Vulgar tweet, but shows there are women out there who love short dudes

0 757
Tue Jan 01, 2019 03:34 PM
Happy New Year Everyone!

Almost 5 Years Of ShortGuyCentral. Thanks for being a part of our forum and we hope you have a successful 2019!

0 996
Tue Dec 25, 2018 02:06 PM
Poor Kent. 5'3 Man voices rage.

6 1,895
Sat Dec 22, 2018 07:44 PM
Confidence is only attractive when you're tall

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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