Member Profiles: Suarez223
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Recent Posts From Suarez223
Not trying to sound racist or anything, but thank god I am not white. As a Latino, people almost expect me to be short and I see less people in my racial category being made fun of, taken less seriously or bullied because of their height. In the media, movies, television, white men are always portrayed as being 6'3, chiseled with a square jaw and muscles. Latinos (and Asians also) are almost always short or shorter than that magical 6' mark.
Here in NY, I see white and black guys my height getting the piss knocked out of them by women and men alike. Me? They leave me alone and let me stay on chill mode. Women rarely bash me for my height and usually embrace me. That does change for men who are like 5'3 and below, but being 5'4-5'6 as a Latino is no big deal.
I say no. A little extreme but if you think of those incels who shot up women out of rage, Eliot Rogers was short but the guy who shot the women in the gym George Sodino was pretty tall. I think it's personality more than anything else
Here is the George Sodini story:
The Daily Feo is complete trash. If there was a #1 short man hater newspaper, that would be it.
Brutal. Just brutal. The guy has on lifts making him close to 6'. Takes off those 4 inch lifts and watch all of the women's attitudes change to disgust. Oh man....