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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Men Lying about their height

Do you lie about your height? Have you heard other guys lie about their height?

Once, a guy about 6'2" said to me "I'm 6 foot 4. You can't be 6 feet because I'm 6'4".

Another guy working in a store, who was wearing thick boots, said "I'm 6'1". I walked by him and he was a least 2 inches shorter than me. He was probably 5'9.5"-5'10".

3 1,140
Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:29 PM
Anyone ever have this happen to them?

2 1,211
Wed Mar 29, 2017 08:41 AM
What were the worst experiences you've had due to your height?

Just curious. Which events in your life stand out the most?

2 1,227
Tue Mar 28, 2017 07:52 PM
I hate being a weak 5 feet 7

I'm into my thirties now and I still have trouble dealing with my lack of height. I measured myself and found I dip under 5ft7 at the end of the day. Tall friends love having a joke and laugh at my lack of height and my interaction with women in friendly situations is close to non existent. When a women does actually speak to me I get caught off guard and then realise they just want to know about my friend or are asking me the time etc, which brings me crashing back down to earth. I have to face it that being this height or less is that the majority don't respect you and women see you as undesirable, unless you have Zack Efron type looks or an exceptional personality and reputation.

2 1,244
Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:12 AM
Why is leg lengthening looked down on or plastic surgery in general?

I don't get why plastic surgery is acceptable for women and not for men. I know maybe 5 women who have had plastic surgery in the last two months or so. One had a tummy tuck. Another one had a nose job. Another woman at 5' tall went from a C bra to an EE. Another had her but lifted.

These women talk about it so openly and congratulate each other on it. If I bring up a man getting his tummy tucked, hair restoration or leg lengthening, they say things like "eww" and "that's so creepy". There's also the "be yourself".

How can you say "be yourself" when you dye your gray hairs and get all of these surgeries? Why is this unacceptable for men. The woman friend of mine who had a boob job says she loves the attention she gets from men but did it for herself. Wouldn't leg lengthening do the same for us men?

1 1,158
Tue Dec 20, 2016 09:45 AM
Started by braeden
Tall Culture

I hate the US's tall culture. Everywhere on TV you see TALL.

Tall models, tall athletes, tall everybody.

People see all this nonsense and think absurd things like "6'0 is short"

Average height is much better than tall.

Short guys have some advantages over tall guys such as a longer life expectancy.



3 1,309
Thu Sep 01, 2016 02:11 AM
by SunnyD
Started by jackman
"Poor Me"

I think it is pathetic when I see men having pity parties or crying online. They try to make a point and just don't make any sense. Part of the reason shorter men have it harder with women is because CONFIDENCE TURNS WOMEN ON! Why do you think women stay in bad relationships with cocky jerks? They are confident! There is no science to this people. Short or not, you need to man up, accept your flaws, and take a long damn look in the mirror. Looks don't get and keep women, confidence does. 

4 1,773
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:37 PM
by Dez
Started by Jinx
Flirt worthy

I feel like I am stuck in this rut where women will find I am worthy of being flirted with but when it comes to dating or going on a date, I always get short down. This one woman was making sexual puns with me, telling me things she would like me to do to her then when I asked for her number, she suddenly had no working phone because she was "in between places". The kicker is, I saw her playing with her phone prior to approaching her. What gives? Am I getting mercy flirts or something!?

9 1,845
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:34 PM
by Mouse
The BS of it all

Why are we underpaid? Why are we considered "okay" at best in the dating world? Why must both me and women make jokes about us? Why is it hard for us to find clothing that fits?

WHY!? All because we are short. It is something we have no control over.

Stats say shorter men...

-More eager to please, harder workers, more trust worthy, more likely to be faithful in a relationship, have more street smarts, pay attention to the people around them, are more open minded...

So wtf ladies!? Because we are short none of this matters?

5 1,480
Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:32 PM
Started by Jelly Kelly

Why do some men who are shorter feel the need to work out all the time? My boyfriend has always been into fitness but he suddenly has become so wrapped up in his fitness and building muscle that we hardly see each other because he would rather be at the gym! When I brought it up he got pissed and said something about me being too out of shape. So because I was hurt I said "You only do this to yourself because you feel you need more muscle to compensate for your height!". After the word height left my lips and I knew it was not going to end well. We got into a huge fight. He left and here I am venting. He basically said I was right in so many words. Why do shorter men do this to themselves? If you enjoy it, go for it but don't use it as a crutch. Specially when you ALREADY have a woman who loves you for you.

7 1,813
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:12 PM
My bf troubles

I am not sure if this one will go over well but I needed to vent...

So as I have said on here before, my boyfriend is short, like me. He has self esteem issues and struggles to cope with his height even though he has me, his family, and his amazing friends who support him in all he does. We went to the mall yesterday and this guy approached me. He had to be around 6 ft tall. He was asking for help with a gift for his sister. My bf was across the store when he noticed this happening. He walked over and said hi to the guy, he said hi back and told him he was asking for help from me for a gift for his sister. Blah blah conversation ends and my bf suddenly isn't feeling good so we buy our things and leave the mall. On the ride home he didn't look at me and barely talked. Soon as we got home, I asked him the dreaded "whats wrong?" question and he flipped out on me over the tall guy in the mall. Saying things like I would rather date a taller man, the way i was smiling at him, i thought he was attractive, ect ect. Is this a trust issue or a height issue?? I hate when he gets like this. I was so pissed at him for assuming this crap last night that I left. I texted him when I woke up (we live in different spaces but sleep over each other's places) and he hasnt answered me yet.

4 2,103
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:09 PM
by Dale
height vs. color

If a woman rejects a guy for being black because she didn't want her kids to face racism it would cause outrage. It's interesting how a woman can reject a guy for being short and be labeled as 'understandable' while the rejecting for the former would be headlining newspapers out of dismay.

6 1,650
Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:54 PM
by Spider
My younger brother's new girlfriend...

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

5 1,904
Fri Sep 04, 2015 07:45 PM
by Hunter
Started by Jinx
This bimbo...

I work with this woman named Sue. She is 24, very attractive, nice body, beautiful hair, the whole ten yards. She is about 5'6 and is the tallest woman there. As you can see, we are the same height. When she first started working here she was engaged to some 6'4 giant of a man who was in the D leagues for the NBA. The split up when he had to get moved to another team. 

Long story short, I asked her out on a date a few months after they split and she said she wasn't ready. A week later, she had a boyfriend again. A few months after, she was engaged again. And just 3 months ago they split up. For the heck of it, I asked her out again last week. Again, she said she wasn't ready. This was last tuesday. Now it is Monday and she has a boyfriend again. WTH is up with this bimbo? You ever known someone to be in and out of relationships so dang fast?

4 1,595
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:53 PM
by Mouse
Started by Jinx

I was shopping and ran into my ex girlfriend. I was happy to see her honestly. We were talking things over and she is doing good. Then out of no where, her "boyfriend" walks up and this dude is no joke, like 6'4! He made me feel like a kid! And then she introduced me as an "old friend" not even that she used to date me. WTH! Why would she do that? Was she embarassed? 

6 1,791
Tue Aug 04, 2015 02:25 PM
by Jinx
Started by lilchris
[ 1 2 ]
Feeling inadequate

I really wasn't sure which section to post this under but went with "Heightism" section. At this point I am feeling inadequate, strongly desire to be taller and almost giving up.


Up until recently I was more accepting of my height, but yesterday I was at college and this guy picked on me because I am small. Not to say I'm not the only one he picks on, he has been in trouble with teachers before because of his bad behavior. He did this thing on me called "nipple cripple" which means suddenly grabbing someone by the nipples and twisting them. He missed my nipple but left quite a big bruise and it hurt for hours. This guy must be about 5'10" or 11" (a good six inches taller than myself) and I told him if he did it again I would punch him in the face. He responded by saying if I did that he would hit me back 10 times harder. We squared up to each other but it didn't erupt into a fight and he told me to "come back when I'd grown taller". What made me even more angry was the fact that he did what he did because he thought he could get away with it, because I am the smallest kid. He also did it to another guy who is about my size but he took it as banter and was even one of the people laughing at my reaction and saying that I would have lost the fight. After this incident my pride was hurt badly and I strongly wish I was bigger and taller so I could stand up for myself. I knew deep down I would lose the fight. 


I just want to ask for anyone's advice, how do I deal with a situation like this??? I am kind of a "late bloomer" which might mean I will gain a bit more height before I'm 21, but clearly I'm never going to get near average height. I was extremely short at 15 because I was 4'9 and now I'm not so short but still very short at 5'4.25 at age 18. I might reach 5'6 or 7" at the very most. The fact that I look so much younger than I am also makes me a target for bullies like this.


I know people are going to say to walk away from a situation like this, but it's physical abuse and I don't see why I can't give it back. When in pain it triggers a 'fight or flight' response and because I am out of immediate danger chance are I will lash out next time around.


12 5,476
Fri Jul 10, 2015 07:19 PM
by Mouse
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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