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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
She says it's okay to shame men for things they can't control.

She says it's "right" to shame based on people's preferences.

1 124
Mon Jul 22, 2024 04:47 PM
Started by admin
Phil Collins

Phil Collins
Recording Artist, Musician
Height: 5ft6
Photo Credit: Make Your Own Taste

3 178
Mon Jul 22, 2024 04:46 PM
Casual heightism from Kamala Harris


You can just look at her and tell that she hates short guys. 

0 119
Sun Jul 21, 2024 08:34 PM
News Reporters laugh at "very small man".

Someone people explain why this is supposed to be funny. 

1 102
Sun Jul 21, 2024 07:57 AM
Started by admin
Teddy Riley

Teddy Riley
Recording Artist, Producer
Height: 5ft6
Photo Credit: Songwriter Universe via Teddy Riley

1 127
Sun Jul 21, 2024 07:53 AM
Height shaming isn't acknowledged by the greater society

The guy pictured here is Dynzell Sigers, a seemingly nice guy. Most of you know him by now.

What makes him stand out is how open he was about his successful leg lengthening procedure.

A former short king, he now stands at 6ft even. Quite striking when you consider his starting height was 5'5.

You'd have to ask, what would make a man go this far? I'm not here to talk bad about the man.

He says he was confident and comfortable with himself, but he knew what many of us know or take too long to figure out.

If you look at the comments under his video where he always commits to full transparency, you will see comments like, "He's insecure", "why wouldn't he accept himself" and "all of this for what?".

The people who say these things always forget to address, "where does that insecurity come from?". To be clear, Dynzell says he wasn't insecure and I believe him.

There are so many stigmas that people acknowledge today, Depression, body dysmorphia, gender identity, weight, but very few acknowledge heightism, even those who claim to be the most progressive. Shaming men isn't considered forbidden, but actually encouraged.

Kudos to Dynzell for concluding that he didn't want to fight this fight, he wanted to rid himself of the stigma once and for all and just live a normal life. 

Now, I personally wouldn't do leg lengthening, but I get it. I get it. 

1 108
Sun Jul 21, 2024 07:51 AM
Coming to a theater near you. Based on a true story...


How many of you have been in this situation? 


1 100
Sun Jul 21, 2024 07:48 AM
Two bald dudes ask women if they'd date short kings.

Many of the participants were pretty open. I believe the ones who said they were currently dating a short king. The others I believe just told the hosts what they wanted to hear.

0 64
Sun Jul 21, 2024 07:47 AM
Guy goes on a rant, but is he wrong though?

This guy has come to the conclusion that every short guy does when they become aware of how dating works. 

1 83
Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:56 AM
5'9 UFC's Brian Ortega vs 5'8 Joe Rogan

Rogan claims 5'8, but most internet souces (people who met him in real life or analyzed other height comparison photos) claim he's  5'7.

0 281
Sat Jul 20, 2024 03:10 AM
5’3” Raymison Bruno takes down 6’7” Roger Dalet in MMA fight

It's almost as if the organization said him being 6'8 was enough to qualify for this fight. Skill will win every single time.

1 229
Thu Jul 18, 2024 06:32 PM
Kevin Hart just can't escape it...

Mr. Beast is a pretty stand up guy so I know he didn't mean any wrong, but no matter what Kevin Hart does, it wil always come back to that. 

1 86
Thu Jul 18, 2024 06:31 PM
Italian Jourlanist Fined For Heightist Tweet Against Prime Minister

The offending tweet translated was, "You don't scare me Giorgia Meloni, after all, you're only 1.2 meters tall, I can't even see you".

The journalist Giulia Cortese had to pay 5000 euros in damages.

You can read the Reuters article here.


1 101
Thu Jul 18, 2024 06:27 PM
Is there such thing as "fragile" or "toxic femininity"?

Shorter guys routinely get called out for having alleged "little man syndrome" and for having fragile egos for either "feeling intimidated" by or refusing to be open to dating women significantly taller. First off, the number of women who are willing to do this at any height is is infinitesimal. We're talking about a super tiny minority. But even for those who are open, again, men are called out for their supposed insecurities around this. I personally am okay with dating taller women. 

Now what about the opposite. All of these women who refuse to date shorter guys, or have said things like, "what am I going to do with him", "I'd squish him", or "I just can't see myself dating a shorter guy"; why aren't they called out for their toxic femininity? Isn't that also an insecurity? Or is it different because you know, insecurity only matters in men?

0 67
Thu Jul 18, 2024 09:55 AM
Short men have just as many sex partners as their taller counterparts

According to a study published in "Evolutionary Psychology" by two researchers from Chapman University, "taller men do not have a history of more sex partners than average height or short men", that is if you are at least 5'4. Numbers decrease steadily thereafter.

The researchers due to their own positive that they would find as assumed that taller men would fair better, but this wasn't the case.

You can read a FiveThirtyEight write up here.

FiveThirtyEight was acquired by ABC.

0 61
Thu Jul 18, 2024 08:35 AM
Man rejects her for having 5 kids. Disappointed, she says "I knew it".

Sharing this because it shows a commonality in the dating market, having a trait that makes you undesirable to many even though if they are attracted to your looks and or character.

The guy on this show, "Pop The Balloon Or Find Love" was as interested in the woman as she was him, that is until he found out she had five kids. You can see the disappointment on her face when she said, "I knew it". She was reluctant to let him know she had five kids because she knew it would run her off.

Almost like when women ask you that dreaded, "How tall are you" question online after a really good conversation. You know what's coming next. 

You can find the Instagram video here

0 61
Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:48 AM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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